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       When I had woken up I found Vance in front of me holding my hand. At first I thought I was in Heaven cause I've just accepted the fact I'd never seen him again. I squeezed his hand and I actually saw his face genuinely light up. I was so sore from the events that occurred but I had to give him a hug. I needed to know he was real and I wasn't just dreaming. Turns out he was real and I think I started to cry. I disconnected the hug to see everyone starring at us. All the missing boys including Robin and Finny. I was embarrassed because they had to see me like this. Bruised and scarred.

I looked over and saw Finny beside me but also Robin and hugged them both. "I thought you all were dead." I said wiping my tears.

"Is that what everyone thinks..?" Griffin asked sadly. I looked to him, I've never really talked to Griffin. I knew he was three years younger then me and was quiet. I mostly saw him at the library.

Nodding slowly as I winced in pain. "Really?" I looked over to see Billy painfully say. Billy was another person I didn't really know, I knew he was the paperboy and owned a golden retriever.

"The more days have passed, less people had hope." I say as I try to lean up against the wall to have something to lie against. Vance ended up helping me, he has never been this gentle with anyone if I remember.

"Damn, now that means we definitely have to escape." Robin said looking around at everyone. Vance kept starring at all the bruises on me as I saw his jaw clenched along with his fists. I held onto his hand wanting him to know that I'm here and alive.

"Not without killing that son of a bitch." Vance saying under his breath. Everyone heard him but no one denied it. Let's be honest we all wanted to kill him, I just don't know how far Vance would go.

"We should focus on escaping and the police will take care of him." Finny said. There were two sides, one being to kill the fucker and two letting the police deal with him. I couldn't tell which one I wanted to do.

For the next moments everyone just started telling me how it went down here. About how they found a way through just to find the freezer locked from the outside. So no hope with that. Robin brought up the fact that the only thing to do now was to fight back. We all ended up agreeing. So they all left to bring back things we could use to escape. Vance stayed with me as I was on the mattress.

"I'm sorry he did this to you Y/n." Vance said out of the blue as I was looking out the only sight into the outside world. It was night from what I could tell.

"Why are you sorry?" I looked over to him. I admired his features taking in every little detail because I haven't seen him in so long. It felt like weeks and it has been.

"If I paid attention to the shitty door he wouldn't have done this to you." he said then looked at me. I was confused but the remembered what the Grabber said to me. He said something about his boys being naughty.

"He was going to do it anyways. It's not anyones fault." I sadly said. He situated himself next to me against the wall. I ended up laying my head on his shoulder as I held his hand.

"How did he even get you? I thought I told you to never walk alone." Vance said in a agitated voice. I should've listened to him, I promised him I would.

"I was walking home from Gwen's house. The police said the Grabber was just going after boys." Saying as I squeezed his hand. "Every hit of that belt Vance, even if it's over I can still feel them on my body." I said looking up at him as tear by tear fell down.

      Vance looked down at me and wiped my tears. I could see a tear falling down his face. Honestly we both were now a mess. "I'm so sorry angel." He said before wrapping his arm around me. The name he called me made me feel all warm inside, like I was a little kid receiving a piece of candy.

      "Tell me that you guys are close to breaking out." I said but he just looked at me. From that I didn't get the best impression from that.

      "I honestly couldn't tell you, but we'll figure it out." Vance saying as he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. I didn't even know how I could blush in such conditions like this. I mean we were in basement probably in the middle of no where.

      "All I know is that I hope it's soon." I winced in pain. I'd get pains throughout my whole body once in a while. Vance just looked away, I don't think he did it on purpose because he wouldn't stand to look at me. It's because he couldn't stand  to look at me. I looked like a zombie, and I was embarrassed he had to see me like this because everyone had to see me like this.

       For the next few moments it was just me and Vance sitting next to each other before Finny came over asking to talk to me alone. Vance unwillingly went and it was just me and Finny.

       "Vance told me what you did. Thank you." I said smiling. Finny had just looked at anything but me.

      "I'm just glad that you're ok." Finny saying as he looked at the scarring on my face. "Look, I just want to say I'm happy you're my friend and that's all I could ever ask for." I think he probably figured out the fact I found out he liked me.

      "Finny we will always be friends, no matter what." I said leaning over to hug him but my body ached. I still hugged him though. He smiled at me then Vance came back.

      Hinting for Finny to walk off, he then sat in his spot next to me. After a while of just talking a bit I yawned looking out the window to still see it's dark. "You should get some sleep. Everyone else is as well."

      "Are you sure? I can stay on guard with you." I said looking towards him. He gave me an annoyed look.

      "Just take the fucking offer." He said in the meanest but also nicest way ever? I just nodded and laid my head on his shoulder as he starred at the door. I slowly felt myself drifting to sleep as I snuggled into Vance's side. Even in this type of situation this is the most comfort I've felt in days.

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