So Far Perfect||30

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Y/n is all I have on my mind as I watch her come into view. The sun dress she's wearing really shows off how bright she shines.

I'm walking Y/n out of the house as she looks around nervously then looking to her arms and legs. I can tell how she's feeling just by one look.

"Look, I just want to tell you now. I'm taking you out to the diner and then I've got a surprise." I say which distracts her from her nervous look around. "And by the way? You look fucking gorgeous and I'll beat up anyone who says otherwise. But they won't because seriously Angel you look like an angel."

The way the nervousness disintegrates off her face and a smile blooms with rosy cheeks. The way her smile makes me half smile is just a depiction how much I like this girl. Maybe something stronger then the word like...?

"Thank you Vance, and you don't look to shabby yourself." Her eyes look over my outfit and she just smiles grasping my hand into a tight hold. I give her a squeeze of reassurance, yeah I've gotten some compliments on the hair but in total fairness, I fucking miss my long hair.

As we walk hand in hand, it's not uncommon to run into people we know especially Finn and Robin.

     "Hey!" Robin yells as him and Finn run towards us. "Y/n looking good."

     "Thanks Robin, sorry I haven't been in contact just in my feels." Y/n replies. I can't help but just stare at how ethereal she looks.

     "Hey guys!" Finn excitedly says, he's still looking at Y/n like she's a jewel. But I don't blame him, she is.

     "Hey Finny, whatcha guys up to?" She asks smiling, I think it was good getting Y/n out of house. She definitely needed this, to see friends.

     "We were heading to the drive inn, Texas chain saw massacre is playing." Robin replies with a broad smile.

     "Although we've seen it a hundred times" Finn then reminds Robin.

     "What? It's a helluva good movie. Which actually we need to run now." Robin says in angsts.

     "Oh crap! Oh alright, fun running into you guys! We should all hangout soon, we can invite Bruce and the rest of the guys." Finn exclaimed.

     I look to Y/n as she happily nods. "Yeah sure, anyways later." I say pulling Y/n as she laughs watching Finn and Robin desperately try to make it to their movie.

     "Ok now I'm really happy you asked me out." She says hugging my arm as she smiles looking at the trees bloom. We'd missed Spring sadly and looking around everything was bright and vivid.

     "What? You weren't happy initially when I asked you out? Way to ruin a man's ego." I tease.

     "You know I don't mean it like that!" She laughs out and god her laugh is beautiful. Maybe just as beautiful as she is. I'm becoming a ushy gushy man, but for Y/n? My answer to that is fuck yeah. "It's just seeing people and interacting with people I've distanced myself from is just refreshing to actually see them."

     "Life can do that to you man, drain you out." I reply and she squeezes my hand. "But what we can do to now to make it that way is to turn that frown upside down."

     "God you're like a dad!" She cries out giggling. I give her a little nudge.

     "Ok now your really bruising my ego angel." I chuckle out as we walk to the diner the rest of the way with peaceful silence as she admires everything around her and as I admire her.

     Reaching the diner, we pick a booth and I slide into the same side as hers. "Wow only the romantics do this stuff." She giggles as picks up a menu.

     "Gotta make sure you can't escape." I smirk as I watch her cheeks go pink.

A waitress soon appears smiling at us, she looks about thirty. "Young love is such a beautiful thing to experience, anyways what can I get you guys to drink?" She asks.

We ordered our drinks and food because we already knew what we wanted. Y/n starts talking about when she was cooped up in her house that she started journaling and book scraping. Of course I made fun of her and she laughed and disagreed. Talking to Y/n was like being in another world, I felt it was just us and that's it. But that didn't stop the feel of eyes staring at us.

After I got back, everyone wouldn't stop bothering me. It was all about "Vance what'd you do to kill the Grabber?" or "Did that experience finally make you act straight?". People didn't understand when to shut the fuck up.

     "Ok, so if you had to decide whether to give up your jean vest or be bald for the rest of your life which one would it be?" Y/n asked eating a fry. We both had gotten burgers for and milkshakes, at a diner it was the most diner food to ever exist.

     "Definitely my jean vest. Could always rock a leather jacket but me being bald would be the death of me." I say throwing a fry into my mouth as Y/n laughs.

     "Maybe you'll look good bald?" Y/n giggles as she takes a sip of her drink. She had gotten a strawberry milkshake, which I'm not surprised.

"That's like saying pickles are good." I reply back and then she gapes at me. "You like pickles?!?" I asked.

"You don't?!?" She says back shocked as she plants her hand on where her heart was. "Vance Hopper, I don't know if we can work past this." She sighs and looks away dramatically. She sneaks a peak at me as I roll my eyes and Y/n slumps into me laughing.

Her laugh was music to my ears, it showed how vivid and bright she was. It had a musical note to it or something that I could listen to on repeat. I couldn't count how many times she had laughed today but I'm happy they were all with me.

Finishing up our meals, I ended up paying which Y/n tried to offer with her five dollars and gum wrapper but I told her it was fine. We left walking out of the diner and down the sidewalk with her hand in mine.

"So what's the surprise?" She ordered me as if I was gonna give in.

"You'll just have to wait and see." I say walking, I know where we're going but she doesn't, she'll figure out soon.

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