Jack Davis||22

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I'm scared. Everyday here makes me want to rip my hair out. Every blonde strand. I look at the angel snoring softly in front of me. She lays on me as I sit up against the wall.

I've seen my fair share of blood, hell some of it was mine. But never have I ever seen what I saw the night before.

I could feel the axe go through his head. It pained me even if it wasn't me who got slashed in the head. Shivers run down my spine as I hear her yawn.

"Vance...Have you been awake this whole time?" She asked as she turned around to sit in front of me.

"No, I couldn't." I looked away. I felt weak, like I couldn't do anything. I'm not used to feeling like this and to be quite honest, it fucking sucks.

Ending the conversation we get up and go to the group huddled up sitting down. We all sit in a circle looking at each other. You didn't even have to ask, you could just tell off of everyone's faces we just faced failure.

"I mean...the traps still in motion. It's just how will we get him down here?" Y/n asks. We all looked at each other, it was dead silent.

"Well, we could always pretend someone's dying?" Robin says.

"It's better then nothing." Griffin said as Finny stood up.

Finn just walked up to the phone. It looked like he was just listening but freaked out. Which freaked me out.

"Finny?" Y/n asks as she stood up taking a step closer.

"Please tell me one of you hears the ringing." We all just looked at him. I could feel something uneasy in my gut.

"Finn, there's no sound. And you know what the Grabber said, it's not plugged in." Robin comments standing up next to Y/n. I looked to Bruce and we both shared a freaked out look.

It was a minute of pure silence, then Finny picked up the phone that was stuffed with dirt. He whispered into the thing sort of mumbling like he was talking to someone. At this point we all stood up concerned that Finny was the first of us to go insane. And he wasn't even here the longest.

"Ok. Thank you." Finn says and hangs up the phone. He turns around with a determined face. I could basically hear the silence as he looked at all of us seriously.

"I know what we can do." Finny says and now we're all ears. "Griffin, was there anyone here when you came here?"

Griffin shook his head. Y/n's face lit up. Like a light bulb went off, I couldn't say for the rest of us. We all looked dumbfounded instead of those two.

"Finny. Are you saying that...there were others before us?" Y/n asked and Finny just nodded.

"When we were all still little there was a boy who got taken. Jack Davis. He almost escaped but the Grabber got to him before he could call for help." Finn says as he pointed to the phone. "You guys can't hear the phone, but I can. There's a boy who speaks to me. I know I sound crazy but it's the truth."

"Yeah, Finn you sound fucking crazy." I say as Y/n nudges my shoulder.

"It's the best we got Vance." Billy says then nods for Finn to continue.

"Well, turns out the Grabber grew an emotional connection to Jack. I think we can use this to our advantage." We look around. Could we even believe that this could be possible. I mean is Finn talking to the dead?

"I'm willing to put my chances on that." Y/n says and then looks around. "Guys, you saw what happened to that guy. That was a sign that we needed to get out of here. Who knows what the Grabber will do to us?"

Everyone was silent. Like we didn't want to believe it. More like I didn't want to believe it. But if Y/n really did believe this could work, I guess I can too but I was still skeptical.

"Alright I'm in." Bruce says with a small grin forming.

"Same, I can't deal being down here anymore." Griffin says looking at all of us.

"Sounds good to me." Billy saying smiling, probably happy that there was hope.

"I'm ready to fuck that pendejo up." Robin said punching his palm.

Everyone looked to me to see my answer. I breathed in and out before saying, "Alright, let's kill this son of a bitch." And with that not only did we prep ourselves mentally but physically as well.

(Omg I'm sorry if I worried any of you for not posting, high school is a bitch but it is almost the end of this story. So sad :( but as old things end new beginnings form so I'm happy to say I will be doing a Robin one! Love you all!)

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