New Feelings||3

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It was Robin against 2 boys and Vance. Robin started throwing punches as Vance was trying to get to Finny. He completely ignored Robin just trying to get his hands on Finny.

"Fucking hell..." I mumbled rushing towards Vance as Robin took care of the other two friends. I tried pulling Vance off but he ended up pushing me back. Now I was getting pissed. I ran for the second time now pushing Vance off as Finny looked scared to death.

"Are you ok Finny?" I asked worried. Vance had ended up bruising Finny and not actually blooding him up. Once Robin was done the two boys started running off out of the store while Vance stood above me and Finny. Robin came to Finnys side asking if he was ok, I looked at Vance angrily I pulled Vance out of the store to the side. "Now what the hell was that about?!" I yelled at Vance. He just stood there with his normal cold stance.

"I don't have to fucking explain myself to you!" He said crossing his arms. He was acting like a child now with explosive anger issues.

"Fine don't!" I said rolling his eyes and walking back until he had pulled me pinning me to the wall.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me Y/n! You don't get to act like you're above of me on this situation!" He said yelling in my face. I had never seen him so angry. Early today he was normal and now it's like someone killed his dog in front of him.

"Here's the fucking thing Vance, I am very much above of you in this situation god damnit!" I had realized now who we were acting like. My parents were the first thing that came to mind when fighting with Vance. I stopped myself and just calculated my next action.

I just looked at him but then had calmed myself down. He just started intensely starring at me, I ended up hugging him. He didn't hug back I think he felt a bit taken back from the sudden comfort.

"Don't touch me you...-you...- piece of shit!" Vance said stepping back. He didn't look angry, he just looked confused now and just didn't know what to do. Like a lost puppy, except this puppy had a full grown set of sharp teeth. I smiled and just took his hand dragging him back into the store past everyone, I put him in front of the pinball machine giving him the quarters that fell out of his pocket. He just huffed and continued playing.

"Hey I'm sorry about what happened, and I'm sure Vance is very sorry to." I said hugging Finny, I could hear Vance just muttering.

"It's fine, Robin had to go because his fists were messed up from beating up those boys." I nodded at Finny and then we went back continuing to work on our project until we were done. I yawned a bit and it was perfect timing because Gwen had came in motioning Finny that they had to go. I gave Gwen and Finny a departing gift on the house but also as a sorry for what had happened to earlier.

Later it was just me and Vance. I was checking out customers while he just played the pinball machine trying to beat his score that he just beat today. I looked at him just playing, I didn't know I was starring until he turned around to look at me. Turning around trying to make it look like I was doing something else then starring. I could hear him chuckle and continuing his game. Rolling my eyes, I've had enough of this day and was honestly just tired. Soon it was closing time and Vance had finished pinball now walking out of the store. I locked up the cash register and emptied the pinball machine, storing the quarters in a bin that was locked up. Walking out the store locking it then closing it up. Vance was just chilling up against the side of the store, seemed as if he was waiting. I looked at him and started walking off.

     "Hey! Were you about to just walk off without me!?" Vance yelled as he caught up to me. We ended up besides each other.

    "I don't know, do you want to walk me home?" I asked stopping abruptly.

     "Since you offered, fine." He said huffing out making a sour face. I just looked at him and continued walking.

     "You confuse me Vance Hopper" I say looking up at him as we walked. He looked down at me with that sour face, I'm starting to get used to it. "One day you go off the rails and then the next your like calm."

     "Calm?!? I'm far from fucking calm!" he yells and continues looking forward. Vance got a bit defensive there but I didn't care. "Besides I got a reputation to keep up so." He then gritted out.

     I didn't reply and just smiled at him. His once sour face had softened a bit and then we continued walking.

     "I didn't know you were on the cheer team." He mumbled quietly enough just to let me hear. I looked up at him as he had his hands in his pockets with his jean jacket with the sleeves cut off. I couldn't understand how he didn't get cold.

     "You didn't notice the whole bow and cheer outfit earlier?" I said looking at him. Vance just shook his head. It had gotten silent but not that awkward silence. A comforting silence. We reached my house and said our goodbyes.

    "Night nerd." Vance said huffing as he began to walk away. I ran after him grabbing his hand.

     "Stay safe and have a goodnight." I said smiling and then I went to kiss his cheek. He didn't wipe it off like I had expected but he just softened his hardened face. He squeezed my hand then turn around to walk away. I watched him walking away because he really did worry me when he walked home alone at sunset.

     Vance had finally left my view and I went to go inside my house to find my parents fighting. They both just stopped and starred. My father tried convincing me to go into my room while my mother just snarled at me.

     "What the hell are you starring at you little shit? Go!" My mother yelled and I ran into my room. I could hear my father disowning my mother for talking to me like that. My own mother would treat me as if I was just a stranger, my heart broke in a million pieces. That night I laid in bed crying myself wishing that I wasn't alone that maybe Vance could comfort me if he even knew how to...

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