Not The Hair!||24

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"No fucking way!" Vance yells as I hold up the mirror shard.

"Vance don't be a baby!" I replied back. Everyone was trying to prep the area but also get as strong as they could for what was about to come.

"I've spent to fucking long for my hair to get like this!" He said agitated pointing at his long curly blonde hair.

"It'll grow back seriously! Now hold still!" I exclaimed trying to get close enough to cut his hair.

"Yeah and how long will it take?!? Huh?!" Vance said dodging. I understand that he's upset but he seriously needs to realize that it's better then being in this wretched place.

I rolled my eyes as I still tried to convince Vance it wouldn't be bad. "Vance! Come on!" I yelled frustrated it was like trying to take a favorited toy by a child away. "Cutting your hair should be the least of our worries you numb nut." I stood with my arms crossed as he scowled at the name I just called him.

"You know what just kill me now so that I can have my glossy hair in the afterlife as I watch you idiots unravel because of my death." He bit back. I bet he could even see the steam coming out of my ears as I stood there now gripping the shard.

"That's it!" I dove right in front of my taking down Vance. We rolled on the ground as he tried to get away from but I had gotten him face down onto the ground as I put all my weight as I sat there on his back. He kept wiggling as I tried to get a steady cut on his hair.

"Y/n! Get off me right now!" He yelled as he struggled but I kept my weight steady on him. It got to the point where I had to tickle him so that he wouldn't escape because damn he was strong.

"Vance!" I yelled agitated and he stilled. "Look as much as I think how hot you look with your long hair we need to do this. As much as you don't like it...We need to get out of here. You swore."

Without warning Vance hurriedly slid out from under me making me fall on my butt then turned to look at me. He looked as if he was confused on what to do because as much as he didn't like the idea of his hair being cut, Vance wanted to get out of here.

"Just promise something." Vance had said and I was all ears. "Just don't fucking cut me or we will have some problems ok?" He then said with a little smirk. I nodded happy I got him to agree, so he turned around sighing.

I waved Finny to come over to see how short his hair needed to be in order to pull off this act. Vance's hair was a bit over his shoulders so maybe it wouldn't be much...?

     "Right there." Finny said placing his finger on Vance's mid neck. Oh lord, I saw the slight twitch of Vance's body knowing how short his hair was going to be. I nodded as Finny left to go prep with Robin.

     " good with that Vance...?" I asked knowing the answer was going to be straight  pissy bitch.

     "Y/n, if you keep talking about my hair I'll change my mind you shit head." He spat out. Rude.

     I grabbed a hold of his hair making sure to get it just right. As I wet his hair with the the water from the toilet. Of course I didn't let Vance know where I got the water because I already knew he'd babble about that. To be honest, I didn't want to cut his hair...But we needed to and it's not like it won't grow back. Unless he goes bald. That would suck.

     Before I knew it I sliced the hair with the mirror shard and blonde curly strands fell down onto the floor as Vance's hair now shorter then his original length. I tied his hair back in a tight but not too tight ponytail. He turned around to look at me and honestly. Vance was still the hot headed hottie even without his long hair.

     I raised the mirror shard to show him the little reflection and he looked pissed. "Now what's wrong?" I asked.

     "I look fucking stupid." Vance muttered. I laughed at his grumpy face as he just crossed his arms looking mad.

     "But you still look cute." I said smiling. Vance's face turned a bit softer at what I said. Before he could get anymore upset I ended up kissing him on the cheek. "Now come on you big baby, let's see what the others think."

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