Relieved But Scarred||28

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Walking out of that hell hole felt like literally like walking out of the gates of hell and welcomed by light. My arm wrapped around Y/n as I couldn't let her go. The cops were hurdled outside at the house across as I spotted Gwen, Finny's little sister sitting on the curb. Finny was the third one out and Gwen started yelping and running to Finny hugging him tightly.

The cops had finally realized it was us after shock filled the air. The fuckers better realize we're here and not dead.

Soon the cops storm the house, I let Y/n wear my vest because of how much blood spilled on her t-shirt. I wrapped it around her tightly knowing how it would look with blood all over her while all of us just had dried blood and bruising.

One thing was for sure we would tell the cops that Y/n killed the man in defense. Gwen rushed over giving Y/n a big hug.

"I-I thought I f-failed you." She sobbed into Y/n's chest. Y/n squeezed her back kissing her head.

"Never Gwen, you never failed me." She sighed into Gwen as the feeling of another females hug set in.

Soon ambulances turned up checking us out, Y/n was the worst of all of us. Yes, she had time to heal but she'd have those bruises and scars for the rest of her life. All of us would carry the scars we received from the fucker.

     Parents started gathering around greeting their children with crying faces of relief. I saw Y/n's dad engulf her with a hug as I watched my dad walk up to me.

     "Vance..." He said tears welling his eyes as he he went to pat my shoulder considering the fact I didn't like hugs from my dad. I fell into him hugging him. "You cut your hair?" He asked as he whispered, happy by the hug.

     "I didn't want to." Was all I say mumbling.

A Week Later

(Warning ⚠️ Very Sensitive Topic)

     I can't get rid of the feeling of his belt slapping against my skin. Tracing the scars on my body, I used to look in the mirror and not mind it, but all I see is him behind me holding a belt as my scars he gave me heal just in time for him to make new ones. Feeling the tear fall down my cheek, I get up in a sitting position.

     I haven't left my room ever since I got back. My dad doesn't question it, sometimes I can't have him look at me. It's like I'm in the basement again, dirty with blood all over me. Bruises covering every inch of my damn body.

     I don't know why I feel this way. When I was in that basement with everyone I was ok and not alone, but now just sitting here in this room...I don't feel safe anymore. Everywhere I turn I feel like I'll see that stupid mask and his black van. Replaying the same grocery thing and the struggle.

     I'm pretty sure everyone has contacted me since then. Everyone even Griffin were happy to be back and resume everything the way it was,  but no one will forget what happened down there. I wasn't there the longest but yet I feel like I've aged ten years.

     Walking in front of the mirror, wearing a pair of shorts and a t shirt. I look at the bruises healing, thankfully those don't stay forever. But the scarring on my legs and arms will forever stay. The sharp slap of that belt on my skin creating cuts that will appear to heal but never truly be healed.

     Walking out into the living room, the house has been a lot cleaner. My mom finally left, pretty sure she's somewhere in Florida now. Even though she's gone I don't miss her. She didn't give a damn about me. Then I'm startled by the sudden ring of the phone.

     "Hello?" I say into the phone taking a deep breath before that. I rub my eyes hoping I'm not dreaming and I'm actually out of there.

     "Y/n." A familiar voice says on the line. The comfort of his voice makes me a bit happy.

     "Vance." I reply back into the phone now leaning against the wall. I haven't spoken to him since we got out. Mostly because after that we were drove to the hospital where we all were checked, then after that we all just went home.

     "How come your not at school?" He asks. How does he know I'm not going to school. I sigh into the phone just looking out the window on the opposite wall.

     "How do you know I'm not going?" I answer with a question back. I hear the slight huff in the phone. A smile begins to tug on my lips hearing his annoyance.

     "I've been going to school." I can just imagine the look on his face as he says that. The look of not wanting to admit it.

     "Why?" I can hear the annoyance build up on the call.

     "Why do you need a fucking explanation. I just am." Vance says. I never thought to imagine Vance going to school.

     "I just...I don't feel comfortable." I finally answer his long awaited question. I don't feel safe anywhere and I feel selfish because to me I don't even think I went through the worst of it. That makes me more guilty.

     "You know I'll beat up anyone's ass for you, right angel?" The simple words would scare anyone but to me they were my saving grace.

     I giggled a bit hearing a sigh of relief on the other line. "Not like that I mean. It's just scary knowing that any point of my life can change just with a snap."

     "Well that's why you don't dwell on the things that could happen and think about the things that you can guarantee will happen." A smile formed at the revelation made before me.

     "Vance being a philosopher. Never would've guessed." I replied in a humorous tone. I could hear him chuckle a bit. "Thank you..."

     "It's my pleasure angel. Does that mean you'll actually fucking go to school now you wimp?" Vance said into the phone. Of course every nice thing being said comes with an insult after. But that's the thing with Vance, he doesn't sugar coat things. One of the many things I love about him.

     "Yes, Vance I will. Your inspiring words have left me speechless and motivated." I stifled a laugh. I didn't want to boost his ego anymore then it had to be.

     "Good because it doesn't come for free." He said calmly.

     "What did you have in mind, because to be quite frank. I haven't been working at the Grab n Go so I'm out of money right now." It's true my wallet was just filled with a five dollars and a gum wrapper. My disappearance didn't stop my mom from stealing money from my purse.

     "I don't want your stupid money..." Vance replied in a harsh but humorous tone. "How about a date? We have unfinished business."

     My heart skipped a couple beats. The thuds of my heart was heard throughout the silence. "Y/n?" Vance had said drowning out the quietness.

     "Yes, sorry...Yes I would very much like that." I smiled happily into the phone. I bet he could hear the smile in my voice if that was possible.

     "Good because I wouldn't have taken no as an answer." He said cocky as he hung up the phone. It was better then the awkward goodbyes, I had to give him that.

     I couldn't stop from smiling as joy overcame me. I couldn't believe it, before that call I was upset but Vance and his sour but sweet words warmed my heart. Although his inspirational speech was fresh in my mind replaying over and over.

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