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*Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own BBC's Merlin, nor do I profit or intend to profit from this story. It is purely a work of fanfiction for enjoyment. I only own my original characters and any storylines/plot points I add to the story. Without further ado, enjoy my Take on the Arthurian legend with a multiverse twist.* 


Have you ever wanted to live in your favorite television show? To be able to change something that happened, to be able to interact with the characters, and experience the events that happen for yourself. Not many even dream of such a thing and if they do they don't believe it could ever happen. But for me... it was impossible and it happened quite by accident.

It all started the first day of my senior year, I arrived home from work and headed to my room. Once I put away my bookbag and got out my homework, I turned on Merlin (which happens to be one of my favorite tv shows). I decided that I should start the usual introductory work given to me by my new teachers. Time passed as I listened to the sound of Merlin arguing with Arthur in the background as I mindlessly completed the busy work of homework given.

*Knock, Knock* "Hey, sweetie? Can I come in, Scarlett?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, come in Momma" I said as she opened my door and walked towards me.

She sat down and asked, "So... how was school and work today?"

"Ya'know, just the usual and my teachers already gave me homework. On the first day of school! Can you believe that? It is so rude" I said as sassily as possible while I smiled up at my mom and she pulled me into a hug.

"I guess they are just getting right down to it, mmh. Making all of you smart kids even smarter" She messed up my hair to tease me.

"Hahah, that's not a word, Momma. Also, why are you messing up my hair... I have to meet up with Adelaide as soon as I finish my homework" I attempted to rectify the mess of my blonde hair.

"Ok, ok, sorry that I am doing my job as a mother and teasing my daughter. What are you watching?" She asked, pointing at my TV.


"Again? What episode are you on?"

"Season 1, episode 1"

"Wait. I thought you were in season 5? Did you already finish it?"

"Yeah, sadly I did. The ending was so tragic but also really well written"

"Well, don't get too distracted from your homework and make sure to let me know when you leave for Adelaide's, Okay? Also, tell her I said hi". Mom hugged me really tight and then left the room. As she did the dog came running in.

"Hey, girl!!! Come here, up on the bed! Let me love you!" Lucky (my husky) jumped onto my bed and licked my face. "Wanna help me with my homework, pup?" she stared at me blankly in response,"ugh, 'kay. I'll do it myself" I said as I ruffled her fluffy gray and white fur. Time passed slowly as I answered the generaric, 'get to know me' questions assigned by each and every one of my teachers. Yay, me! What a way to start off the school year... homework. Luckily, I had 'Merlin' to keep me entertained with Merlin and Arthur's banter. It often reminds me of my own relationship with Adelaide, we often make jokes and tease one another. So much so, to the point that if you didn't know us; you would probably think we did not like one another much. But, usually within five minutes we are hugging and laughing, unlike Arthur and Merlin.

After I finally finished the boring homework, I headed to Adelaide's humble abode to help her with her's. Though I don't understand why she needs my help with it, it's just busy work. I pulled up to her house and texted my mom that I was there once I parked (Of course, 'cause you should never text and drive, kids). I walked up to the door and knocked, although most people would just text saying they were there... I just didn't feel like it.

"Merlin!!!!"I may have forgotten to mention my friend has watched some of the show too and has decided that I have the same 'vibe' as Merlin, hence the nickname," You here! I haven't seen you in a month!"

"Yes and you could have just texted me anytime to see me or Facetime me" I gave her a pointed look but then laughed after about 3 seconds.

"It's not my fault that you are so busy, also come in, please. We don't want to let the cool air out of the house. It's blazing hot out there" I walked inside and we headed to her room.

"So, Ada. What homework did you need help with? All the stuff I got was just busy work" I made a confused face as I turned to look at Ada who was standing over at her desk near her window on the opposite side of the bedroom.

"Oh, well about that... I actually just wanted to hangout so I made up a reason"

"You did not have to do that silly girl. I was free today anyways"

"So... Do you wanna watch something?"

"Sure, wanna finish the first episode of Merlin with me?" I hesitantly asked, as she is not as big of a fan of the show as I am. Though I do know she enjoys certain episodes and she has not made it past 'Eye of the Phoenix' (an episode in season three).

"Lol, you're really into that show... yeah, I would love to. I haven't seen the show in a while and it might be a nice refresher. Plus, your play by play and comments are hilarious"

"I am not obsessed!" I jokingly acted offended by her comment.

"Yes, you are. Remember, that is why I call you Merlin"

"No, Ada, you said it was because he and I have the same personality"

"That is only one of the reasons, anyways that would make me Arthur"

"Who assigned you that? I suppose you are right though, you are rather a prat sometimes" I walked closer to her slowly as we talked.

"If I'm a prat then you're a Dollophead" She raises her eyebrows with sass.

"Cabbage head"

"Turnip head"

"Bone idle toad"

"Ugh, I hate you sometimes,"Ada said, annoyed as she ran out of 'Merlin' insults.

"Yeah but you love me and you know it" I began to tickle her.

"Ahhh! Ye..yeah and... I don't know.. Why!!! Stop it!! Scarlett!!" I stopped and let her catch her breath. Then all of the sudden she retaliated and tickled me until I tapped out. We eventually calmed down and turned on the show and we ended up watching about five episodes. While watching those episodes we laughed, snacked, and made fun of each other.

"Thanks for having me over, Ada. I really have to head home now. I haven't had dinner yet, and before you say anything; snacks do not count"

"Ugh, okay. Are you sure you can't sleep over?" she gave her infamous puppy eyes.

"Ada" I gave her a scolding look," you know puppy dog eyes don't work on me. I really do have to go. I promised Mom that me, her, and dad could watch a romcom tonight before bed"

"Wait. Your dad watches romcoms?"

"Yeah, he is like me and will watch just about any movie as long as it has good writing and acting in it" I gave her a big hug before I walked to her door and said,"bye". I got in my deep red Jeep and drove away.As I was driving home, I began to turn off of the highway and a semi-truck ran a light and crashed into me with a loud honk of their horn. All went black and all I felt was a sharp pain in my neck and spine then nothing... 

Well this is my first update. I hope you enjoyed the prologue and introduction to my OC. By the time I upload this, I hope to have two chapters written ahead. Updates may be irregular because I am still new to writing and updating on wattpad. My Marvel story is a mess and in the works of fixing. I hope to help with adding more Arthur Pendragon x OC Stories to wattpad. I personally love them, I am currently reading "Luminescences" by ProudToBeSarcastic and the "Forbidden Love" series by Ashleyy1005. Anyways, sorry for the long author's note, please comment any errors I may have, as well as suggestions for the story going forward. Also please like/star if you enjoy it, it may help others find the story.   

-Love, Abby Z 

@ProudToBeSarcastic and @Ashleyy1005

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