Chapter Thirteen

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Carly's POV-

The blonde Prince and I entered the throne room and were quickly joined by Merlin as we took our places. I froze at the sight of Cara/Nimueh walking in behind Bayard and his men.

"Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Mercia. The treaty we sign today marks the end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people", Uther and Bayard grasped each other's arms. The surrounding people applauded, and I kept my eyes on Nimueh. Only to see her unsurprisingly staring at Merlin.

"Scarlett!", Arthur says firmly as he snaps me back to reality, "Come on, we must go. There's plenty to do". I take one last glance at the sorceress as exits the room with everyone else.

""Ugh, when was the last time these were cleaned?"Arthur glanced at the items of clothes.

"Last year sometime, before the Feast of Beltane", he gave a shrug and went back to whatever it was that he was doing. I shake my head with a giggle at the interaction between the two. It was visible that they were slowly becoming friends, even if they would both deny it when asked. Perhaps I only see it so soon because I have knowledge of what is to come. I smile softly at the thought of the bond forming.

"Arthur, why on earth have they not been washed in almost a year?" I questioned. He gave me a look of confusion.

"Why should I know" that boy is truly helpless sometimes.

"Maybe because they're your clothes"

"Did it end in a food fight?" Merlin pipes in.

"Don't all feast?"

"We wouldn't know," I began as Merlin added,"the airs and graces of the court are a mystery to us"

"Not after tonight, they won't be" Oh boy... here we go.

"We're going to the banquet?" Of course Merlin, we have to work.

"Not quite. You two will be there to make sure that my cup doesn't run dry. Besides, if I have to sit through boring speeches, I don't see why you should get out of it. Oh and Merlin, be sure to polish the buttons" after a brief pause he added,"would you like to see what you'll be wearing?" He smirked.

"Won't this do?" Merlin cluelessly asked.

"No. Tonight you'll be wearing the ceremonial robes of the servants of Camelot" he held up the ridiculous outfit with an amused look.

"There's only one? What about Carly, doesn't she have to wear one too?" Oh no he doesn't. Trying to drag me under the bus with him. I gave him a pointed look.

"I could only find one and they were meant for a man. Scarlett can't wear trousers to a formal event" Now it was my turn to smirk.

"Nice hat" She held back even more giggled.

"Quite eye catching, right" I sassed. Causing Gwen to almost snort from laughter as Merlin stood there as annoyed as ever.

"Thanks" he answered sarcastically, lightly hitting me on the back for saying anything. Then, something or rather someone caught his eye. I follow his gaze to unfortunately find him looking at Nimueh.

"She's pretty isn't she? for a maid servant, I mean" Gwen commented with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"She's pretty for a princess, let alone a maidservant" he mused and I gave him a look.,"What?" I rolled my eyes at his cluelessness. Gwen only hummed as a response. I sent her a kind smile, which she reciprocated though hers was a bit strained.

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