Chapter 19

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A/N: OH MY GOSH!!!! Thank you so, so, so much for 1.6K views and all of the likes. I've seen y'all add my fanfiction/ self-indulgent creative writing practice project. It has been fun and hard all at the same time. You all motivate me to write so much. Now, I am on spring break and will be in the car for almost 11 hrs. on monday so I will hopefully write a few chapters. I apologize if any grammatical errors or inconsistencies are present, I don't really edit to much before uploading. I just kinda write and then skim for errors. Love y'all!!! XOXOX, Abby.

 "Morgana. Morgana! Please calm down and take a breath. We'll work this out, I won't let anything happen to Arthur. Okay?" I looked into her eyes, looking for any sign of understanding or at least less panic. Neither of us will be capable of thinking rationally if she is worked up so much; not that I blame her. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, and nodded.

"What are we gonna do? Sophia's got him enthralled with her" she whispered as we moved further away from prying eyes.

"Don't worry, I sent Merlin to chaperone the two. Arthur asked me to cover for him but I struck a deal. He was so desperate to be around her" I tried not to roll my eyes as I explained.

"Won't he just ditch him?"

"Merlin isn't that easy to ditch, trust me, I've tried before. He's relentless" I let out and giggle and before long Morgana joined in. "Shall we go home? I'm filthy and need to wash up... and new clothes" I sent a smile as she nodded and laughed at my remark.

We took our time on our walk back, the air was warm, the breeze soft, and the sun casting a lovely shadow on the buildings. The topics we discussed were varied and random. No particular order to thoughts we vocalized. She was kind enough to escort me to the door of the physician's chambers before she had to return to her duties. The door made a loud creak as I opened it just wide enough to fit my body through and before I could turn around, I heard a sudden clank.

"What on Earth happened to make you so dirty? Were you playing with your food again?" Gaius said exasperated at the sight of me in my veggie mush covered body. I mean it was even in my pants for goodness sake. I made my way to the bowl and pitcher with a shuffle to my step.

"I had a situation as you may well know" After all, he was in the room when Uther passed his 'lenient' sentence. I leaned over the bowl and slowly poured the freezing cold water over my head with a wince. Times like this I remember why I miss showers. What I would do for some hot water and privacy.

" Ahhh"

"Arthur was so determined to go out with Sophia today. It was unbelievable the way he was acting towards me this morning. Begging for me to cover for him, pleading that I understand his perspective. He should know better than to ditch his royal duties for a girl, but did he listen to me, nooo. He goes as far as to guilt trip me into allowing him to due so"

"Sophia? Wasn't she the girl from the forest?"

"Yes. He is so enthralled by her, he is jumping at her every whim"

"Her every, what??"

"You know, like he is willing to do anything for her" he nodded in understanding as I continued," which is absurd given they just met yesterday" I reached to my side for a towel to stop the dripping from my sopping wet hair that still smelled of rotten fruits and vegetables.

"Scarlett, dear, what is it that you're not telling me?" Gaius grabbed a larger towel and made his way over to me.

"What do you know about Sidhe?" I wrapped the towel around my hair and took a seat at the nearest bench to me and offered Gaius a seat.

"They are a form of Fae said to live an immortal life in the realm of Avalon and considered very dangerous. Why do you ask?"

"Sophia and her Father are Sidhe and I have good reason to believe that they are after Arthur's life. That's why I sent Merlin with Arthur; I was hoping to stall her for a while. I don't know what to do. I don't have magic or a sword, I can't fight her" I stared at my hands as I spoke, too ashamed to look Gaius in the eye. I shouldn't have let it get this far. I knew this was coming. I could have warned Merlin before the hunting trip at the very least.

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