Chapter 25

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The fight between Owain and Tristan was over within minutes of its start. Camelot's young knight held his own, managing to land a blow to Tristan's gut that should have killed the Black Knight. Despite the blow, he stood fast, ultimately killing Owain due to the state of shock that he was in. The crowd gasped in horror at the sight of the young man slaughtered before them. Tristain once again removed his gauntlet and threw it down before the stands.

"Who will take up my challenge?" His voice echoed through the now silent arena. I flinched at the sound. I glanced over to the Royals, Arthur tried to jump over he barricade but was held back by his father. Uther held a fearful glint in his eyes while the rest of his face remained stern and regal. As Arthur stared at his father in shock and anger, another eger young knight picked up the gauntlet.

"I, Sir Pellinor, take up the challenge," he said sternly.

"So be it," Tristan exited the arena with all eyes on him.


"Carly!" Merlin called my name as I walked down the castle's corridors.

"Merlin," I turned to meet him.

"Come with me,"

"Where are we going?" I asked as he grabbed my arm, leading me towards one of the many staircases leading to the catacombs of the palace. Because all good Palaces have a graveyard underneath its walls. The Prince's manservant didn't utter another word as we walked,"Merlin, would you please let go of my arm? I'm coming, okay?"


We caught up with the Court Physician, walking into the burial vaults of the many royals of old, "Are you sure we should be doing this?" 'Lin asked,.

"You're not scared, are you?" Gaius inquired.

"No, I love old crypts. I wouldn't be seen dead anywhere else," The door slammed behind us causing Merlin and I to nearly jump out of our skins.

"Must've been a gust of wind," I hummed in agreement, shaking off my nerves about the dark tomb we've stepped into. Was I really prepared to find Tristan's tomb? I mean, I know he is a wraith but this might make it all the more real. Am I ready for that?

"We should've brought a torch" Merlin pointed out the obvious. He grabbed a torch off the wall of the tunnel and lit it with a spell.

"Huh. Handy"

"Yeah," I sent a tight lipped smile of reassurance as his gaze landed on me, checking to make sure I was alright. We walked down the aisle of sealed coffins, I kept my eyes peeled for the busted sarcophagus of Arthur's long lost uncle; Tristan de Bois (Ygraine's brother),"What are we looking for?"

"Bring your torch over here?" Gaius stood by the tomb in question.

"We're breaking into someone's grave?"

"Not exactly. Look," I pointed to the busted open stone surrounding the coffin.

Gaius continued,"We're too late. I think someone's already broken out," I sighed and began to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Merlin looked at me blankly.

"Out of here. It's too dark down here for my liking. Come on, let's go back to Gaius's,"With a dramatic roll of the eyes, 'Lin finally followed with Gaius behind him. Once we did get back to our rooms, I lit a fire and took a seat at the table.

"Tristan de Bois was the brother of Ygraine, Uther's wife," Gaius spoke.

"Arthur's mother?"

"Ygraine died in childbirth. He blamed Uther and came to the gates of Camelot and challenged him"

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