Chapter 26

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Leaving the Prince's room, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was on a mission and it meant life or death for an innocent man. How on earth was I going to find a way to kill a wraith?! There is the possibility of excalibur but I'm not so sure Kiligarah would allow that... or if I can even trust him at this point. Running down the halls, I dodged servants left and right- abruptly I stopped at the door of the court library. Knocking rapidly, I hoped Geoffrey was still there. My heart raced at a speed faster than light. What is my heart, the Millennium Falcon??

Geoffrey opened the door,"Hello-"

"Do you have any books on wraiths?!" I cut him off in my panic. Taking a deep breath, I continued,"I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry and it is kinda urgent. Do you happen to have any books pertaining to how to stop or kill a wraith?"

"Come in," he gestured for me to take a seat as he shut the door,"I may have a few books on wraiths but I can save you the trouble. No mortal weapon can kill a wraith, I'm afraid," My face dropped, despite already having this knowledge, I had hoped to be proven wrong by some act of God.

"Thanks for your help, Geoffrey," I stood up slowly with a deep sigh,"I should be going and I am sure you are a busy man. Have a nice day," I sent a small, unconvincing smile to the older man as I made my way out. As I walked somberly towards the tournament ground, I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my stomach. There has to be another way. With a gasp, I hauled my steps, "Excalibur!" I whispered- I've got to find 'Lin.

Running out to the entrance of the area, my eyes were met with Tristan's blade piercing Pellinor's abdomen. The sight alone caused a churning feeling in my own gut, that rose into my throat. Turning my gaze to keep the contents of my lunch from vacating me, Merlin rushed over to me.

"Carly? Breathe for me- in and out", he stood beside me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders as he had me match his breathing,"Come let's go inside"

"But, Tristan-"

"I, Arthur Pendragon, challenge you," Arthur called out as he threw down his gauntlet. I nearly collapsed hearing his words.

"So be it," his deceased Uncle replied.

"Single combat, noon tomorrow"


"How could you be so stupid!?" Uther's voice boomed through the doors of the council chambers. As I impatiently waited for the heated conversation to end, I sent Merlin on a mission to find a sword and ask Kiligarah to do his magical thing. It is what he does in the show anyways... might as well put him to work,"I will revoke the challenge"

"No. The Knight's Code must be upheld. That is what you told me"

"This is different" I could hear the anger and desperation in the King's voice.

"Once the challenge has been laid down it cannot be rescinded"

"You are the Crown Prince"

"There cannot be one rule for me and one for all the rest," Arthur's determination was admirable but this was a death mission no matter how skilled a fighter you are.

"I forbid you to fight!"

"You want me to prove that I'm worthy of the throne. I cannot do that be being a coward"

"No, Arthur, this will be your death!"

"I'm sorry you have so little faith in me, father," The Prince opened the door, as he left he could hear his father call out for him.

"Arthur!" I walked towards him from my position on the wall across from the Council Chambers.

"Not you too," he sighed, walking down the corridor as I followed him.

"I wasn't going to say anything!" I raised my hands in surrender," I just thought I should show you something before the match tomorrow" His brows furrowed as I waved for him to follow me to Geoffrey's lair (I mean library). I grabbed the book Geoffrey had shown me yesterday, flipping to the page on wraiths,"there," I pointed,"read that please". After reading the page, becoming even further confused, he looked at me,"Gaius, Merlin, and I have reason to believe that the Black Knight is one of these things. That is why he didn't collapse or die when both Owain and Pellinor managed to land blows to the abdomen"

"What? You saw Owain land a fatal blow?"

"Yes, So did Merlin. Gaius has been helping us try to find a way to defeat it but, according to the text, no mortal weapon can" I took a deep breath and stepped closer to him,"please, Arthur, think this through. I know that if your mind's made up I can't stop you but I do ask that you think this through" His eyes softened as they scanned mine.

"I need to speak to Gaius," was all he said as he left.


"Gaius?!" the Prince stormed into the door of the physician's chambers, eyes wide.

"Scarlet tells me you think I am fighting a wraith tomorrow? How... he..." He spurred out words faster than I've ever seen, from him at least.

"You were right," Merlin ran in behind me.

"I wish I wasn't," Gaius turned to Arthur,"If anyone can defeat this thing it is you, Arthur"

"You said it yourself, no mortal weapon can kill it"

"Then we must find another way," I said before rushing out of the room. I need to get a sword to Kiligarah now. 

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