Chapter Seventeen (Part One)

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"Scarlett, right?" Edwin asked as we stood just down the hall from the Griffin stairwell.

"Yes, that is correct" I said neutrally," Need to speak with you; private preferably"

"Of course" We made our way into the guest room provided to him by the orders of Uther. As I stepped in I tried my best to keep a neutral expression despite my amazement at the equipment he had on his hands. This type of thing was highly unusual for this time and place. "What is it that you wish to talk with me about"

"I know what you did" I said, straight to the point but vague as to see if I can get a confession out of him. I've watched far too many cop and law shows for my own good.

"I'm sorry, I don't quite know what you mean, my dear" He gave me a look of hurt and confusion. I suppose trying to gain sympathy from me," what is it that you think I've done"

" I know about the Beatles and what they do to a person" I gave him a cold, pointed look. Voice still remained neutral despite my immense anger towards his intentions for Camelot. A beautiful place full of wonderful people, both of which I have grown to love. I am willing to defend them, even if I don't have a grand skill set of sword play or magic. I did have my knowledge and that will have to be enough for now.

Edwin's face suddenly dropped to match my cold blank one," I don't know what it is that you think you know, but I would be careful when throwing around accusations. Especially, when you haven't any proof"

"You mean when I haven't any proof yet. I will find a way to prove your intentions here" I then turned to storm out; just to find a harsh grip on my wrist. Edwin quickly turned me around and pushed me up against the nearest wall,"Your actions right now, are merely confirmation that I am correct in my accusations" tried to pry my wrist free from his crip, which only tightened with my movements.

"The King will never believe the word of a servant over the man who just saved the life of his ward, will he?" Oh, I've heard those words before and I've overcome them. Just as I will do again.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Me" I said firmly, I'm not gonna let this coward of a sorcerer frighten me with a little force. I have already been through far worse than a little intimidating.

"Why would I do that?" He brought his face closer to mine.

"How do you think it will look? A guest of the King, attacking the servant of the Prince?" I stared at him, not breaking eye contact for a minute.

"And how would he find out, hmmm? There are no witnesses" With that I spit in his face, broke my wrist free, and kicked him when it would hurt. I took my chance and hastily walked down the hall to where I was surrounded by other servants and courtiers. I've got to find Merlin; it's high time I looped him in on the predicament.

Given it was about lunch time, I should catch him at our shift change. On my way to Arthur's room, I pulled my sleeve down over my, now, bruised wrist courtesy of Edwin. There is no need to worry the Prince, yet, I haven't enough proof.

"Merlin," I whisper yelled from the servant's door," A moment?" With a concerned look he followed me into the alcove just down the servant passageway.

"Carly? What's wrong, you seem shaken? Did something happen?" He gently reached for my injured wrist causing me to draw away. It was true, no matter how brave I may seem at the moment... it had gotten to me as I walked here.

"It's Edwin-" I explained in great detail what happened in the episode up to this moment and added my own encounter with the scarred man.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He checked me over, looking for any obvious sign of injury. Until he reached my wrist, seeing the bruise forming where I was grabbed.

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