Chapter Nine: The 'Plague'

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Carly's POV (still) -

I woke up the following morning feeling refreshed from the girls' day. Oblivious to the events that were transpiring were quite different from what had happened in the show, well to a degree. Carrying a plate with what I considered to be a healthy breakfast (I made it on my own because I did not want to carry twelve thousand pounds of food that would likely not all be eaten), as I headed to the Prince's room. Merl and I had agreed that I would handle breakfast, dinner, and the animals (horses and dogs) while he did the rest.

Knock, knock. "May I come in, sire" I politely asked. It felt weird to address him as sire but I'd say he earned it for now. After all, he was there for me in my panic attack and he didn't have to be. But, he did.

"Enter", I heard his voice boom from in the rather large room.

"I brought breakfast. '' I started with a smile as I sat it on the desk by the window. As he came to sit down he made an odd face, "What is it?"

"Mhhh? What?"

"You made a face"

"I did not", I gave him a stern look at that,"Fine... I am just confused. What is all this, exactly supposed to be?"

I looked at the oatmeal bowl, strawberries, and milk I had brought him. "It's oatmeal with brown sugar and honey" assuming that was what confused him.

"You mean to say that this is supposed to be oats?" he pulled his typical confused face.

"And you mean to say you've never had oatmeal? Or even heard of it?"

"No, why is it so mushy looking and why is there fruit on it?"I tried my best not to roll my eyes at his behavior, knowing he truly didn't know. But right now he reminds me of a confused toddler.

"Because... When you make oatmeal you just boil oats and milk together. Then you add brown sugar and honey for flavor. The fruit are strawberries and they are there because it tastes great and is healthy", I attempted to explain to him in terms he would understand.

"Where did you get strawberries? And honey? And brown sugar? I've never even heard of brown sugar". Oh boy... he really is clueless.

"They are all in the kitchen, and as for brown sugar... that is just sugar mixed with molasses. Now, eat up. You have training in an hour"

"How come you know all this? I didn't even know you could cook"

"Haha, yeah this is hardly cooking. All I did was boil some milk and oats", as I said that he gave me a look that I couldn't decipher but as soon as I noticed it, it was gone. He finally tried it and by his face I can tell he liked it, not that he would ever admit to it.

"It's not half bad"

"Glad it is to your liking. Now I am going to go walk your dogs, Merlin should be here soon to help you dress" I walked out of the room with that. I made my way out of the castle with the two dogs in tow, which I may add are absolute sweethearts and so cute. Surprising, since they are supposed to be hunting dogs, one would think they're vicious, but quite the opposite. I walked through the training area, to the lower town. Now, on my way back to the castle I ran into Gwen carrying a bundle of purple flowers, I assumed to be for Morgana. I froze, remembering the beginning of "The Mark of Nimueh".

"Hello, Scarlett. Are you quite alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost" Gwen asked as she walked towards me, petting the dogs as she came to stand in front of me.

"Of course, I am perfectly fine. Thanks. Who are the flowers for? Or do you have a secret admirer that I don't know about?"I teased to lighten the mood and distract myself until I could talk with Gaius or Kiligarah, not that the cryptic lizard would be much help at all.

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