Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I followed Arthur as he stormed into his room and threw his sword on the table in the center of the room. He must've had that talk with his father. He leaned against the mantle of the fireplace; I walked over to him with a soft expression on my face.

"Arthur, what happened?" I asked gently, not wanting to startle him. Besides, I know he is just as stressed as I am about Mer.

"Scarlett?" he gazed over at me, obviously confused by my presence,"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Merlin" he asked me softly.

"I couldn't stand there idly as he's dying, I needed to be doing something, besides seems I'm more useful here at the moment. Tell me, what's bothering you?"

"I asked my father for some men to go with me to retrieve the flower, but..." he trailed off.

"He turned you down. Didn't he?" I finished, already knowing what Uther must've said to his son. Arthur gave me a look I couldn't quite decipher.

"Yes, how'd you know?"

"I figured he would. You're the Prince of Camelot and the heir... it was highly unlikely that he would allow you to risk your life for a servant"

"He didn't only do that, he gave me a lecture. How can he expect me to stand by while a man's life is on the line. Merlin saved me; he knew the risks and what would happen to him and he drank from the goblet anyways. I could save him" there's the man I know is inside him... the selfless, loyal, and compassionate 'King Arthur'. I watched his face as he spoke, I could see the conflict in him.

"Sometimes you have to do what your heart tells you is right and worry about the rest later. Listen to you conscious and let it be your guide"

"You think I should go?"He seemed surprised at my words. I can only hope that he takes my words to heart and holds on to it; God knows he'll need it.

"Well, sire, that's up to you. I, for one, am going regardless of what anyone says. It's the only choice I can live with. My advice is to think about who you want to be and what choice you can live with"

"What-wh-...what if I don't make it back? Who will be the next King of Camelot? There is more at risk here than just my own life" he choked on his words. I hadn't realized how the show could have toned down how Arthur was really feeling. Wanting him to be seen as more stoic and held together. This reaction... It was much more human. I walked over and placed my hand on his arm; as he stood there by the fire with his arms crossed, holding back his tears.

"Arthur. What kind of king do you think Camelot would want? One who does as he is told, or one who stays true to his values and would risk his life for anyone regardless of station?" I looked into his eyes as he considered my words. The ones originally said by Morgana, I paraphrased them to be my own but they still hold true either way.

"And...what about you? What if something happens to you?" He placed his hand over mine. I never let myself think about how he might also worry about me, especially with how he has tried to be there for me. I never thought of him that way but I suppose... maybe I just made him feel safe to be himself, I have no idea why of all people me... but I'm glad he feels he can.

"I'm a grown woman, Arthur. I can handle myself"

There was a decent breeze as we raced our way across the English countryside, we passed through some beautiful forests and mountains. Though I was too focused on getting to our destination to enjoy the view, besides, given it was the UK it was quite cold. We continued even throughout the night, unfortunately for the horse... and my legs that weren't used to riding a horse at all.

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