Chapter Eighteen

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"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin" Kilgharrah says ominously as the intro to Merlin plays. I sat calmly on my bed staring at my tv screen resting on top of my white dresser across the room. Oh, how many nights I've spent like this; using my favorite show as a form of escapism from reality.

On the screen, Arthur is shown to be lifelessly sinking into murky, yellowish water while a woman, Sophia, stands over him. The sight causes Morgana to shoot straight up in her bed with a gasp. The first example of Morgana's seer abilities to be the focus of the plot. "Arthur! Arthur!" She screams in fear. Just to be cut off by the opening credits. Which I never skipped because what kind of person skips something so beautiful.

"Carly!" I hear someone shout in the distance. It sounded as if it were coming from underwater, or I was underwater. "Carly!", they continue to scream at me but I've no idea where from. "Scarlet!! Wake up!" Wait! That's Merlin. I wake with a sudden gasp of air rushing into my lungs. It feels as if I had been holding my breath for hours.

"Merlin?! What happened? What's wrong? Whose hurt?" I blurt out, still breathing heavily. Wait? The sun's up, Mer's dressed, I can hear people going about their day outside. What time is it?

"You weren't breathing, it's after lunch... I thought you were dead for a minute there!" he said with wide eyes, that looked as if they were red from tears. Was he crying? I reached for his face, only to find it soaked with salty droplets of tears. He really must have thought I was dead... but why? Merl grabbed my hands gently as I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm alright, Mer. I'm right here, breathing" I could feel him let out a sigh,"Wait?" I pulled away just enough to see his face. " Why aren't you with Arthur? Isn't there a hunt later to prepare for?"

"Well, he was wondering where you were when I showed up instead of you"

"You covered my shift?" I was touched by his effort.

"Yeah, you have seemed really tired lately and I wanted to let you sleep in" he looked at his lap awkwardly as we sat on my bed in each other's arms.

Shortly after the hunting party returned from the forest, the court was summoned to the Council Chamber. I followed Gaius, slowly looking around the room for my eyes to land on Arthur. I smiled as I remembered the concern on his face when I showed up to work earlier that day. Merlin had told me he was worried but I just hadn't realized how much. He made his way to me, even before I was all the way through his chamber doors and enveloped me in a firm, warm hug. Although this was not the first time we had hugged, it still surprised me every time- well, all three or four times it has occurred. Arthur had bombarded me with questions on where I was. To which I just reinforced what Mer had told him. That I had simply overslept due to a lack of sleep the few nights prior.

What I found when I saw him at this moment, now in the Council room was a distant stare. I followed his gaze to see Sophia and Aulfic Tir-Mor standing center in the room. This explains the dream last night, I suppose. But, why? I had no way of knowing about it. Why does this keep happening to me, lately. I looked up to see Uther taking a seat on his throne, giving his usual discerning look.

"My name is Aulfric, heir to Tir-Mor. This is my daughter, Sophia" Aulfric announced to the Court, in which he currently stood before.

"You're a long way from home. What brings you to Camelot?" The King asked.

"Our home was sacked by raiders. We barely escaped with what few possessions we could carry" My gaze traveled back to the Prince, who was leaning on the pillar. Staring intently at the girl.

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