Chapter Three: The First Meeting(s)

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That following morning I woke up to the sound of bells and the light shining through the window. Merlin was already awake and had left the room. As I descended the stairs into the main room of the physicians quarters, Gaius was walking to the table and purposefully knocked over the bucket of water that was sitting on the table beside where Merlin was eating breakfast. Merl, out of instinct, stopped the bucket with the flash of his golden eyes. But as soon as he realized what he had done he loses focus and water splashes across the floor.

"How did you do that?" Gaius softly askes Merl,"Did you enchant a spell in your mind?"

"I don't know any spells" Merlin shook his head with wide eyes.

"What did you do then? There must be something?" as Gaius asked Merlin more questions I slowly walked closer, eyeing the two of them.

"It just happens"

"That is true, Gaius. Ever since I first met him a few months ago, he has almost done it on instinct" I added. Merlin grabbed the mop and began clearing up the spilt water.

"Well, we better keep you out of trouble. You can help me until I can find some paid work for you. Here" Gaius handed Merlin and I, each a medication to deliver for him. As we grabbed them he explained what they were and who we were to give them to,"This is for Lady Percival and this is for Sir Alwyn. He's a blind as a weasel. So, warn him not to drink it all at once"


"And here", Gaius handed Merlin and I each a sandwich.

"Thank you, Gaius" I smiled.

"Of you both go," Gaius said. Then after a moment he added,"And Merlin, I hardly needly tell you that the use of any form of enchantments would get you killed" As Merlin and I headed out, Merlin nodded an I shouted goodbye to Gaius and as we got further away I heard him chuckle.

On the way towards our first errand, I couldn't help but stare in wonder at the castle around me. The architecture alone was awestrucking, and the people fascinated me. Despite knowing all I do from the show, it feels entirely different truly being there. We arrived at Sir Alwyn's door first. He opened the door.

"I brought you, your medicine" Merlin was about to hand the medicine to him, when I remembered the scene in the show. I grabbed the vial.

"Sir Alwyn, Gaius said to make sure you don't drink all of the medicine at once" I stated and then handed it to him.

"Thanks, Carly. I nearly forgot to tell him what Gaius instructed" Merlin said as we walked out towards the training grounds.

"Ehh. It's nothing, just saving your butt as usual" I replied with a smirk before I bursted out laughing.

"Ahaha. Always making fun of me, eh"

"Well, yeah. That is my job as your best friend, afterall" Then I heard the familiar voice of a certain Prince.

"Where is the target?" Arthur had asked the servant.

"It's over there, in the sun. It's not that bright"

"A bit like you then?" The arrogant prince started with a sarcastic smile. I had nearly forgotten that although he has always been cute... he also is a royal pain in the behind.

"I'll move the target over to the other side, shall I sir" the tired servant replied in a monotone voice. I would assume probably just wanting the work day to be over soon.

"This'll teach him," Arthur said to one of the knights behind him as he began to throw daggers at the poor serving boy.

Realizing that a dagger had been thrown at him, the servant stopped and said,"Hey, hang on?"

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