Chapter Eight: Morgana

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A/N: Very short filler chapter

Carly POV:

After my panic attack fiasco, Arthur decided it would be best if I took the day off. At first, I denied that I needed to take a break... I realized that this would give me time to get to know the lay-out of the palace better. As I was walking up one of the many staircases, I nearly knocked over someone.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going..." I looked up to see Morgana standing in front of me.

"Oh! Don't worry, it's quite alright. I wasn't looking either", she gave me a kind smile,"I'm the Lady Morgana, the king's ward"

"Of course, my lady" I clumsily curtsied, not really knowing how to.

"You're Arthur's new maidservant right?"

"Yes, that's correct", I smiled politely.

"Gwen mentioned you... that was very brave of you, helping Merlin save Arthur. Though, I don't quite understand how you stand him", I smirked a little at her and giggled quietly.

"I manage... I'm sorry, where are you headed somewhere?"

"I was just headed to walk with Gwen through the lower town market... Would you like to join us and then come have lunch with us" she asked hopefully. Adding on as she realized something," as long as you're not too busy.."

I thought for a few moments, it would give me a good opportunity to get to know Morgana and gain her trust. At this point, she is still strongly good and just. "I'd be honored", I sent a wide, toothy smile.

"Great, Let's go".

We spent the day wandering the town with Gwen, talking about anything and everything (with the exceptions of modern stuff and where I am from). Morgana even tried to buy me a few things, not that I let her. After several hours, we had a nice lunch in her chambers with Gwen and I headed to Merlin and I's room. I can only hope we will have a little more peace before we have to deal with "the Mark of Nimueh".

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