Chapter Six: Snakes

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Warning: Non-canon violence as well as deviation from original episode.

Arthur POV:

Merlin came rushing in with the armor, seemingly worried. As he tries to set it down, pieces fall all over the floors of my chambers. After a moment I finally came to a realization.

"Merlin... where's Scarlett?" I asked, trying my best not to show I was beginning to worry for the serving girl I had only met a few days ago. Merlin remained silent. "Where is she? Not skipping her duties, is she?" I asked in hopes of further covering up my emotions. I cannot be seen to be worrying about my servant.

"She's still in the armory," he answered hesitantly. Why, on Earth, would she still be there? All my armor is here. Merlin spilt it everywhere, afterall.

"Why's she there? You've got everything, haven't you?"

"Yes, but we had an incident. Scarlett's handling it" Merlin added, rather quickly for my liking.

"What kind of incident" I pushed, feeling the worry inside me increase by the moment. When he didn't answer me, I decided to go and see for myself.

"Sire! Where are you going?" Merlin suddenly shouted as he tried to step in my way. Now, I really know that something is amiss.

"I am going to see what is happening, for myself. Get out of my way" I said strongly and began to walk around him. I stormed down the hall to the armory. When I arrived at the entry I could hear the sounds of struggling.

"You would never get away with it, even if you're a knight" I heard Scarlett as fiercely, the sound of someone spitting, and then gasping. I stormed in with my sworded aimed at whoever was in front of Scarlett with their hand on her throat.

"Get away from her!" I commanded as I touched my sword to the knights back and he tensed. Scarlett stared at me in shock, realizing it was me. She started to look almost relieved. "Remove your hand from her neck. Drop your sword on the ground and turn around slowly as you back away from the woman" I ordered as calmly and intimidating as I could muster.

"Sire" the voice of Valiant said as he followed my orders. Why would Valiant attack MY servant? Then again, when we first met, he did seem to be a creep. "I was merely demonstrating to this lovely girl, what happens when you disrespect and threaten a knight" he added with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. I glanced at Scarlett, who was grasping her throat, wide eyed, and panting.

"Sir, no matter what she said... you never lay a hand on a woman. Never" I stated. "Now get out of here before I report you to my father".

"Why would the King do anything about a knight, simply disciplining a servant?" he replied with an over confident smirk.

"He would if it were an assault, which goes against the knight's code, and was witnessed by The Prince of Camelot. Besides, even if he didn't do anything... I still could'' I threatened. "Now, go! Before I changed my mind about not reporting this" he walked out, not before sending one more sinister glance at Scarlett. I turned to her as I sheath my sword, "Are you alright? Did he harm you?" I asked worriedly, completely forgetting about status or how I should feel, for the moment. I was just simply concerned for her well being.

After a few deep breaths, she answered quietly," I will be, sire and he probably would have, had you not come along?... How did you know I was in here?"


"Did he tell you?"

"Yes... if you don't mind me asking, what happened here? Why did he do this to you?" I asked out of curiosity.

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