Chapter Ten: The Afanc and Nimueh

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A/N: Sorry, in the previous chapter I was spelling Nimueh's name wrong as well as the afanc.

Carly POV -

We arrived back in the quarters where Merlin was full of questions. He was filled with wonder, and I tried my best to answer what I could. Not wanting to tell him about anything in the future. I don't want him worrying about that, especially the potentially tragic end to everything. He is only my age (17/18) and no person needs that on their shoulders, not even me. But, better me than him.

"So... you know about the dragon then?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes, I do. And he has a name", there is no harm in giving Merlin the dragon's name right..? "Kiligarah"

"Have you met him?"


"Really! When?"

"I love you like a brother, Merl... but can we stop the 20 questions and work on finding information on the Afanc please?"

"Oh, right, yeah. Of course" he flushed with embarrassment. See, a pure innocent boy... doesn't need more pressure about his 'destiny'.

"What all do you know about an afanc, Scarlett?" Gaius asked.

"Uhhh, well... I know that they are made of clay and water and in order for one to be created powerful dark magic has to be used. The only way to stop one is with wind and fire. It's almost elemental. But first we would need to find it"

"Before that we need to find evidence that it is an afanc," Gaius added.

"How are we meant to do that?" Merlin questioned. Suddenly, the door was busted open by Arthur and his men.

"Over there" Arthur directed some of the knights, "I'm sorry, Gaius. We're searching every room in town".

"What for?"

"The sorcerer"

"And why would he be here?" Gaius asked, clearly upset by the sudden search of his home. Then, I remembered that Merlin's book was lying on the floor in our room.

"Merlin," I whispered to him as I went to stand by him,"where did you put that book?"


"Their going to search our room next dufus"

"I'm just doing my job" Arthur stated. I know of course that it is true, he is only following orders from his father.

"Well, we've nothing to hide. Go on then, search", they rummaged through the room. I was pleased to see that the Prince and his men were being respectful in the way they handled Gaius' belongings.

"What are these papers over here?"

"My life's work, dedicated to the understanding of science. You're quite welcome to read through them if you wish", Arthur's face contorted in slight disgust at the thought of reading about science. I tried my best not to giggle at the sight.

"What's this room up here?" , and here we go. Merlin also got distracted I suspect and forgot to hide the book. Not that he really could with the knights in here.

"That's ours" I answered and received an odd look.

"You two share"

"Yes, we have our own bed and we lived back in Ealdor under the same roof. We basically siblings" Arthur seemed satisfied with the explanation for now.

"What do you expect to find in there?" (Gaius)

"I'm looking for material or evidence suggesting the use of enchantments"

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