Chapter Two: Welcome to Camelot

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Merlin and I packed our things, well , Merlin packed his things the following day. As we prepared to head off on the several day journey to the infamous city of Camelot, Hunith gave us a handwritten letter for Merlin to give Gaius. Just before I headed out the door I was asked to stay a moment so Merlin's mother and I could have a word in private.

"Scarlett, darling. I know that you know a lot more than you tell us and you have your reasons for that. I wanted to ask you to look after Merlin while staying with Gaius. I let Gaius know about your unique situation in the letter. I do not want you to worry. Gaius can be trusted. I hope he can help you. Maybe find a way home, if that is what you want. Please be careful, as you know, magic is outlawed in Camelot. I have made you a dress and undergarments that will help you blend it. You have become like a daughter to me over these past months, I know that I am not your mother, but I am here for you if you ever need" Hunith finished with a sad smile and pulled me into a tight motherly hug. Man, I am going to really miss her.

"I will do all you've asked. Hunith... I do consider you to me like a mother to me. You've made being away from my own mother and father. Thank you so much for all you have done for me... I am going to miss you" I stifled a silent tear," I am forever grateful that you and Merlin were the ones who found me in the woods". I pulled away from the hug and went out the door to join Merlin as we headed off on the road.

The journey was smooth, I grew used to sleeping on the ground next to a fire. I suppose it is lucky that I've always enjoyed camping. We came upon the famous hill that was the location of the first shot of the show. As we walked closer to the palace, now in sight, in my mind I could hear Kiligarah saying,"No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. So, it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot. A boy that will in time father a legend. His name... Merlin".

"Carly! Carly!" Merlin yelled his new nickname for me.

"What! Yes?" I replied as I was startled back to reality.

"You were staring at the castle oddly"

"Was not, come on let's go" I said as I ran the rest of the way to the gate.

"Carly! Why are you running?!?" Merlin shouted at me, confused as ever.

"I'm racing you, of course. Come on, last to the lower town is a rotten egg!"

As he caught up with me in the lower town, I slowed to a stroll and caught my breath,"That was fun, I haven't done that since I last saw Ada".

"Why did you say the loser is a rotten egg?" Merlin gave an extremely confused look as he patted from the race.

"Oh, you guys never say that? Kids often say that when they race their siblings or friends. It is just meant to be silly" I laughed. As I finished my sentence we entered the main square and trumpets could be heard. Oh no, I thought. The execution of the poor man, Thomas Collins. I don't know if I want to see this. Unfortunately Merlin dragged me further into the crowd to see what was happening.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiracy to use enchantments and magic and pursue under the laws of Camelot. I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned.On penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and justice king. But, for the crime of sorcery. There is but one sentence I can pass" Uther gave the signal for the executioner to begin.

"Come on, Merlin. Let's go, please, I don't want to see this" I begged Merlin but he did not budge an inch. To focus on what was happening and most likely in a bit of shock. I turned away and buried my face in Merlin's shoulder, unable to watch as gasps were heard through the crowd as Thomas was executed.

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