Chapter Sixteen

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 As soon as I heard about Morgana being ill, I rushed to her room. When I got there it seemed to be quite crowded, and I could hear Gaius speaking from in the room,"Her body seems to have closed down" He must be speaking to Uther about the condition of his ward, who I know to be his daughter.

"Why? You don't have an answer do you? Nothing you've tried so far has worked. It's been nearly two days. And what do you know?" Uther almost yelled. How could it have been two days and I'm only just now finding out. This is what I get when I go to visit Hunith in Ealdor? I miss something so huge?!

"I fear she may have some form of inflammation in the brain" Yeah a bug, Ok I have a good memory alright... I remember most of the details for the major episode. Given that Morgana is sick and this still is the events of season one... that means it is 'A Cure for All Ills'. I need to speak with Gaius as soon as he is out of that room.

"What could cause such a thing?"

"An infection, possibly, rest assured. I will do everything in my power to cure her, Sire" Gaius promised as he made his way out of the room. I made my way to the base of the stairs to speak with him about all this. "She's all but dead, Merlin" Gaius explained to an extremely concerned Merlin,

"No, you're going to cure her. You have to"

"Don't you start. I've tried everything" I walked up to them as they reached the bottom of the stairwell.


"Carly, my dear, you're back?!" Gaius embraced me in a father-like hug.

"Yeah, umm, I heard about Morgana. You said inflammation of the brain?"

"Yes, how'd you-"

"I had heard that Morgana was ill so I rushed here and overheard the conversation from the door... this actually is in one of the episodes- I need to talk to you in private" I spoke quietly.

"Wait! You know how to save her?" Merlin interjected.

"Not exactly, that's why I need to speak to Gaius- alone, please" He looked sad but obliged my request. Gaius had me follow him to a hallway where there were no guards present.

"What is it that you know about Morgana's illness, my dear?"

"Morgana's brain is inflamed due to some form of magical bug. It was placed in some lilies given to her. There will be a man who comes in at some point claiming to have a remedy to cure all ills; he's the one who placed the bug in the flowers. Unfortunately, I don't remember his name but I would recognize him if I were to see him. I don't know what spell is used to remove the bug but I do know Morgana will live. But, this man who removes it does not have good intentions. We must be careful" I took in a deep breath when I finished; I was speaking so quickly I nearly forgot to breathe at all.

"Do you happen to recall what this bug looked like?"

"Small, black, looked like a beatle"

"Anything else?"

"Oh, and it eats the brain of its host"I swallowed harshly at the thought; what kind of damage was it causing to Morgana's brain right now. Regardless if she turns evil one day or not, right now she is good and I can't let any harm come to her. She's my friend.

"Come on, Carly. Let's join Merlin on the way back to my chambers; before he does something stupid and gets himself into trouble" I smiled at his comment. As the three of us begin to walk through the halls Merlin speaks up.

"I was wondering..."

"What?" Gaius' attention turned to my friend.

"Maybe I could..." A guard passed us causing Merlin to freeze for a moment,"... help"

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