Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Arthur managed to get the flower, his arms were just barely long enough. He handed it to me and I hid it in my pocket. A decent amount of time had passed, I lost track of the silence and coldness of the cell. Next to me sat a brooding Prince who seemed to be blaming himself for all that had gone wrong. Clark Kent syndrome it seems, at least it shows that he cares immensely for others. Though no person should ever have to care that weight on their shoulders that comes with taking the blame for everything that you can't control.

"It's not your fault you know" I said quietly while nudging his shoulder with mine.

"What?" he snapped out of his thoughts.

"All of this, it isn't your fault"

"That's not true. None of this would have happened had I done things differently. Maybe Merlin wouldn't be dying. We wouldn't be in a jail cell for a week" I looked into his eyes as he spoke, he gazed straight ahead at the door and his eyes welled up with an unshed tear. I used my thumb and pointer finger to grab his chin gently and made him look at me.

"You are not to blame for things that are out of your control. Besides, I know Merlin. He would have done it again in a heartbeat" I said firmly and boldly," that is just who he is. Stupid, reckless, and selfless" I heard steps down the hall,"Who's that?"

"Food for the prisoners" I heard Gwen's voice say. Thank God for her. The Guard unlocked the door.

"Set it down there" Arthur said firmly and I gave her a small smile. "Thank you", just as she turns to leave he says,"Wait a minute" I placed the flower on the plate. " I couldn't possibly eat this. It's disgusting. The state it's in, I'm not sure it's fit for anyone". Gwen picked up the plate and smirked at the sight of the flower. She left and shortly after we heard the guard yell.

The week was up in no time, I taught Arthur a few games from my time to keep us occupied. We talked about various things but for most of the time we were in our own thoughts or catching up on sleep. I had returned to the physician's chamber to see Merlin awake and well on his way to recovery. I told him all of what happened while he was unconscious and I cleaned Arthur's chambers given it has been collecting dust for well over a week. A few days later I went for a walk, arriving at the battlements to see Morgana and Arthur in conversation. I walked to a spot just close enough to listen in on their conversation. I know it is an invasion of privacy to ease drop but I am a curious person and I've loved this place for a long time before arriving.

"Okay. Let the bragging begin. How'd you manage it?" Morgana inquired.

"I'm not sure. All I do know is I had help, not just from Scarlett, though I wouldn't have made it without her either. Someone knew we were in trouble and sent a light to guide the way"


"I don't know. But whoever it was, I'm only here because of them" Arthur seemed grateful, that's good.

"I'm glad your back" Morgana says just before she leaves to go do whatever it is she does. I glance over to see Uther walking up to his son. I suppose I'll wait till after to check on him.

"Arthur? The woman you met in the forest, what did she tell you?" Ahhh, so Gaius had that talk with him about Nimueh, his former friend who he betrayed, among many others including his wife and Arthur's mother.

"Not much. She was too busy trying to get me killed. It was strange. Though"

"In what way?"

"I was at her mercy. She could have finished me off, but she chose not too. She said it wasn't my destiny to die at her hand"

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