Chapter Eleven: Arthur and Carly

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Arthur's POV-

The day after the afanc incident, Scarlett brought me dinner and I had an itching urge to ask her some things. I suppose now would be a good time with Merlin off for the day. She placed a platter down in front of me as I made up my mind as to what to say.

"What happened the other day when you came to my chambers in tears?" I asked and all was silent for a while. I looked up to see Scarlett in complete shock while staring blankly at the floor. I could swear that I saw a few tears brim in her eyes.

"Sire... I would rather not talk about that right now", she finally answered.

"Carly... please", I pushed. I felt I needed to know. I needed to know her. How could she have a pull on me like this? I just met her a few weeks ago, yet I've never felt anything like this in my life. I can't quite wrap my mind around it.

"I sometimes feel panicked and when combined with missing my family and something frightening... it can lead to me behaving that way", answered quietly with her facing towards the floor. I walked closer to her,

"You don't talk much about your family. Could you tell me about them?", I asked, not knowing if it was prying or not. She looked up suddenly.

Making a confused face she took a deep breath. "Uhmm, well... there is only really my parents. My mother is kind, intelligent, and loving. My father is caring, thoughtful, and stubborn", then she smiled," they made me the one I am. I owe them everything".

"They sound wonderful. Truly, they must be amazing to have made you so caring and smart", she then gave me an odd look but we both shook it off. Carly then left me to eat dinner.

A few days later Carly slowly walked into my chambers with breakfast, thinking me asleep. She sat the tray on my desk and began to tidy up what she thought was a mess from last night.

3rd Person POV-

Arthur wakes up to see Carly arriving with his breakfast and begins cleaning. He stayed quiet as Carly was cleaning. She seemed to have forgotten to check if he was awake or not because she began humming a tune Arthur had never heard before. He chose to observe her at peace, as she normally seemed so preoccupied and reserved. He loved seeing her so free and at peace.

"Save a little for yourself,

Never give it all away.

Save a little for yourself,

You know you're gonna need it someday.

You've got a lotta love,

Enough to go around.

Save a little for yourself"

("Save a little for Yourself" -by Mandy Moore)

Her voice was so beautiful. Soft and sweet with some rasp, a different style than that of the days of Arthur and Merlin. He had never heard a song with a meaning like that, at least not in the five kingdoms. Arthur wondered if she had secretly written it or if it was something from wherever it was that she came from all those months ago. Why does she not sing in front of others with a gift like that?

"Goodmorning, Arthur", he loved when she used his first name when addressing him, "Did you sleep well?". She was trying to hide her blush that was crawling its way up her cheeks. She had caught him, smiling at her as she quietly muttered the lyrics to one of the songs she loved from 2022.

"Hello, Scarlett". He gave her an intoxicatingly sweet smile that had a hint of a smirk in it. "Why are you here so early? The sun is barely up", Arthur voiced his concern at her lack of sleep given she had worked so late the prior day.

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