Chapter One: Ealdor

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Trigger warning: Panic Attack later in the chapter. I myself have never experienced a panic attack, but I have similar symptoms.

I have no idea how much time had passed before I came to but when I did I had a killer headache. I began to open my eyes and I saw an old looking, wooden ceiling above me and I could feel a blanket on top of me. Although, I could tell that I was not in my bed or at a hospital because the bed was way too hard and the room would not have a wooden roof.

"Mother! She's starting to walk up" I heard a male voice with an English accent say. But why would someone in the US have an English accent? Was he a tourist?

"Coming!" I tried to sit up but as I did I felt an excruciating pain radiate through my body.

"Hello, My name is Hunith and this is my son Merlin. We found you unconscious in the forest. Do you remember your name or how you came to be there?" Hunith (who also had an English accent) said calmly and slowly. I tried to sit up again as the first try was unsuccessful,"Hey, hey, don't try to sit up yet. You were out for quite a while. I am sure you probably have a concussion"

"Where am I?" I asked before answering anything.

"You are in Ealdor. In Cenred's kingdom" The boy, who apparently was named after a wizard, said.

"I'm Scarlett. To answer your questions: Yes I know my name, eheh obviously, and no I don't know how I got here" I said as I sat up, against Hunith's advice.

"Where are you from, Scarlett? You have an accent that I have never heard before" Hunith politely asked.

"I'm from the southern part of Virginia"I warrily answered. How come they've never heard an American accent when they are in America?

"What kingdom is that in?" Merlin asked rather suddenly.

"What do you mean? What kingdom? It isn't one at all, it's in the United States, it's a democratic republic based government" They looked at me very confused,"You know,'consent of the governed','We the people' and all that?"

"I am sorry. I've never heard of anything like that or of a place with the name 'United States'" Merlin said as both he and his mom looked at me weirdly.

"How have you guys never heard of the United States of America? It's pretty much impossible not to know about it in the 21st century. Where am I? I thought I was still in the USA" then I began to realize. Earlier they said I was in Ealdor and their names were Hunith and Merlin, like as in the 'BBC's Adventures of Merlin'. But how is that possible? It is one, a television show, and two it ended in 2012. I began to feel my chest tighten and my breath quicken. I felt scared and panicked, and I heard ringing in my ears.

"Woah, woah!! Are you ok?" Merlin asked nervously as he observed me.

"Can't breathe! I..I.. think.. I'm having...a... a panic attack" I said between gasps.

"Ok, darling, focus on me and try to breathe when I breathe. Can you do that for me?" I nodded as I stared at her face and followed her breathing,"Merlin, can you go grab a glass of water for Scarlett here?"

"Of course, I'll be right back"

"Ok, Scarlett. I need you to tell me five things that you see" Hunith instructed me.

"Uhh... You.. I see you... I see... the ceiling"

"Good, one more thing"

"The bed"

"Great job, sweetheart. Now, how about three things you can feel?"

I took a deep breath," I feel the blanket, uhhh, the bed, and..." she grabbed my hand and weakly smiled,"and your hand".

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