Chapter 27

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"Kiligarah!" I ran down the stone stairs to the platform in the Great Dragon's cave below the belly of the palace," I need your help, please!"

"Young one, it's been a while since you've visited me. What brings you to my dungeon this time?" His voice echoed as the walls shook at his landing.

"There is a wraith and Arthur is fighting it at noon tomorrow... I was wondering if you would be willing to help make a weapon capable of killing one?"

"Who is the wraith? As you know, they do not come back without reason. Who is it here for?"

I sighed, internally rolling my eyes, I knew this would come,"Tristan de Bois and he is here for Uther to avenge his sister's death" Here we go.

"Then let him complete his mission. I will not help protect those who imprison me and killed all other of my kind"

"It wouldn't be Uther who you would be protecting, it would be Arthur. Don't let him die for the sins of his father"

"That is not my destiny but you and Merlin's. A weapon forged with my assistance will have great power"

"I may not know to the full extent of its power, but I am aware of that. I wouldn't ask unless I had no other option. Please, Kiligarah" I stepped closer to the edge and held the sword up with pleading eyes,"If Arthur dies fighting his uncle then Camelot will have no heir and we both know how bad that would end for everyone," I sent a knowing look.

"You must promise that the sword will be wielded by Arthur and Arthur alone. You know the what destruction can come if wielded by evil"

"I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure that it never falls into the wrong hands. But if it is as I remember, that will be quite a task," With that the sword was raised into the air and burnished in the dragon's flames.

"Heed my words, the sword is forged for Arthur alone"

"Thank you, Kiligarah"


Merlin retrieved a sword from Gwen's (made by her father, of course) for me and Kiligarah burnished it for me with reluctance. That lizard sure knows how to hold a grudge; but who would blame him after the genocide he lived through. Running through the palace halls, I ran into many of the other servants along the way to the Prince's room.

"Arthur...?" I asked, announcing my presence,"May I come in?"

"Come in," The Prince replied in a distant voice. Walking closer to where he sat by the window, I could see the state he was in. He held a dagger to the wall, absentmindedly carving a hole into the window sill.

"Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" His tone was indicative of the answer.

"You know what I mean? Come on, talk to me. Please" I placed my hand on his upper arm, only receiving a deep sign in return, "I've brought you something. You know, for luck"

"Let me guess, a piece of ribbon" He let the slightest smile slip.

"No," I grabbed the weapon,"something just a tab more useful than a piece of fabric" I held out Excalibur with pride. Gwen was right to say that it is the best sword her father has ever made. It was quite a sight with perfect balance and elegant details along the hilt.

"You got me a sword," Arthur's eyes widened as he reached for the sword,"but how?"

"Merlin and Gwen helped. I figured that if you are going to fight for your life on that field, you had better have a good weapon. Besides, I figured it would be something that would suit you," My eyes fell to the floor at my own words. How much more cheesy can I get?

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