Chapter 20

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A/N: Thank you all for all of the votes and reads! I can't believe that the reads are almost to 2.5K, that is insane. I love you all so much and you motivate me to write this fic. I adore BBC Merlin so much and wanted to do it and you all justice. Thanks for everything you do and I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Sorry that is took so long to come out.

"Couldn't that have just been a dream? Maybe the- the woman Morgana saw just looked like Sophia" Merlin tried to rationalize the situation at hand. I can imagine that this could be a lot to take in when Sophia just seemed like a normal girl in his eyes.

"That's what I hoped. But, Aulfric caught me in Sophia's room and, in a flash of anger, his eyes changed color" Gaius recounted his experience.

"Who are they?"

"It's not who they are that worries me. It's what they want with Arthur"


Following the chat in the Physician's chambers, I rushed to the Prince's room to stop Sophia's plan for advancing any further. The only trouble being, I am not sure how exactly I am going to stop her. Nevertheless I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, regardless of how it made my out of shape body feel. Approaching the door I could begin to hear the bratty fae's ever soft voice through the thick wooden door.

"Our love is strong. You feel the same way, too. If we were ever to be parted...?" She instructed, earning a mindless trance response from our royal Prat.

"I'd never let that happen" Such chivalry for one so arrogant.

"You may not have a choice. There are some here who don't want us to be together" At that I barged in with no care for decorum. My entrance caused Sophia's head to snap towards me with a glare so sharp it could slice metal while Arthur was still dreamily staring at her.

"Stop, Sophia. I won't let you do this to him" I plastered the most convincing look of confidence that I could muster, struggling to maintain it with each second.

"Whatever do you mean? I am having a simple conversation with the Prince" she sweetly asked, feigning innocence.

"You can drop the facade, Sophia. I know what you and your father have planned at the lake of Avalon and it won't end well for either of you" She took long strides towards me with each word I spoke.

"How is it that you, a mortal, plan to stop us" Sophia inquired, dropping the act.

"I have my ways" I don't, I lied, but Merlin does and I can at least stall her a bit at the very least. I would rather not stand by idly doing nothing while my friend risks his life for Arthur.

"What ways? I have more power than you could possibly imagine and you don't even have so much as a sword" She had me there but I could try to snap Arthur out of the trance, even just for a few minutes, and with hope he will start fighting the spell on his own. I darted around him, rushing to the Prince who was sitting on the end of his bed looking as if he hadn't slept in days. I grabbed the side of his face, forcing his eyes to meet mine.

"Arthur? Arthur, you have to listen to me. You can fight this, her magic is strong but so is your strength of will. Don't let her win. Sophia is planning to exchange your life for her own immortality. Please, Arthur, fight this!" He snapped out of it for a moment, sending me a look of confusion.

"But we're in love? I don't understand" He stared into my eyes as if to search for an inkling that I am being truthful.

"I know. That's the spell; she's messing with your mind. Search your mind and heart. I know I feel something off. Please, Arthur" He raised his hands to rest on mine and his expression softened at my pleas.

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