Chapter Four: The Dragon's Call

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"Hey, Gaius... can I talk with you about something?" I said gently as I walked to go sit next to him at his work bench.

"Yes, dear. What's bothering you"

"It's Lady Helen," I answered vaguely.

"What about her? Does this have to do with your knowledge of the future?"

"Uhhh, In a way yes. I find myself having this knowledge and wondering if I should do something about it? I just don't want to mess things up..."I began to tear up a little and Gaius placed his hand on mine in a fatherly comfort kind of way. "Lady Helen... the one that's here. She's not what she seems".

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember the man who was executed a few days ago" he nodded," well his mother had promised to avenge him. She said Uther would share in her tears before the end of the celebrations. 'An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A son for a son'... if my knowledge is correct, then she killed the real Lady Helen and took her place. She's plotting to kill the Prince" I explained worriedly.

"Oh dear... the 'show', is that what you called it?"


"What does it say about the outcome?"

"Arthur survives. I don't know what I can say about it. It could prevent that favorable outcome from happening..."

"Then, what do you need advice on? You seem to know what you can do. What worries you?" Gaius asked, confused.

"What if my being here has already changed more than I could ever imagine"

"I'm sorry, I don't have the answers you need"

"That's alright, Gaius. I am going to find Merlin"

"Be careful"

"I will" I figured I would find him in the lower town by now. Once I got there, I could hear the ruckus of Arthur and Merlin bickering.

"Ahhh, don't run away," Arthur teased.

"From you?" Merlin answered.

"Thank, God! I thought you were deaf as well as dumb" First of all that is offensive to the deaf community but he is already a Prat, so I guess just another thing to work on.

"Look I've told you, you were a Part. I just didn't realize that you were a royal one" (I know the show is different but I don't particularly like curse words so I am changing it a round a bir)

"I could take you apart with one blow"

"I could take you apart with less than that" Merlin started and then noticed me in the crowd behind Arthur and his knight 'friends'. I shook my head to tell him this was a bad idea, but he never listens to me when it comes to things like this.

"Are you sure"

Merlin took off his jacket and Arthur tossed him a mase,"there you go, big man". Unfortunately, Merl did not catch the weapon so he had to pick it up off the hay covered ground.

"I warn you. I've been trained to kill since birth"

"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a Prat?"

"I told you, you can't address me like that"

"Sorry. How long have you been training to be a Prat, my lord?" the knights 'oooh'ed(?) as Merlin, the idiot, did a fake bow to Arthur. Arthur swung the mace at Merl and the infamous fight began. I decided best just to stand back and watch. Then, I can lecture Merlin later on about his stupidity and apparent death wish.

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