Sneak peak at chapter twelve

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"Carly's POV -

"Where am I", I wondered as I peered around the oddly familiar room. "I know I've seen this somewhere but I don't think I've been here before..." There was a woman in a red dress, standing over a basin of water. She was muttering something incoherent... as I walked towards her so I could hear what was being said. As I heard a spell being chanted I realized this was ..."

A/N: Sorry, I know it is short... I just didn't want you all hanging. I've been super busy with school and all, so I don't know when I'll get out the next chapter. I'm hoping before thanksgiving [I live in the states so that is next thursday for you international readers :)]. I have off next wednesday through friday so, fingers crossed.

i'm so sad to here that Merlin is being taken off of Netflix around the world this december. But, hey for those of you with Amazon prime video, it is on there (at least in the states, I hope it is there for other countries too). 

Also, thanks so much for the reads and votes! I really appreciate it and it makes my heart smile to see Merlin fans around the world are finding this and enjoying my little dabble into my massive crush on Arthur and my love for the written word. 

Please comment any thoughts, suggestions, kind critiques. I would love to chat with you guys. -love you all, Abby Z

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