Chapter Twelve

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Carly's POV -

"Where am I", I wondered as I peered around the oddly familiar room. "I know I've seen this somewhere but I don't think I've been here before..." There was a woman in a red dress, standing over a basin of water. She was muttering something incoherent... as I walked towards her so I could hear what was being said. As I heard a spell being chanted I realized this was Nimueh. My eyes widened in shock as she placed the poisonous petal within the goblet in her hand. No, no, no, no, this cannot be happening, not yet.

"Merlin", she said loud and clear.

I shot up with a gasp, to find myself lying in my bed covered in sweat and the sun just barely up. That was so real. Why was I remembering this now, was it some kind of warning?

"Carly!" Merlin rushed over,"What is it? What's wrong?!". I sigh when he comes into view... he's safe for now.

"Uh... nothing. Just a bad dream, nothing serious" eager to change the subject I asked," Shouldn't you go tend to Arthur? You know how he gets if you're late". He gave me his classic, really, you sure look. "I'm fine, Merlin. Please, I'd rather not talk about it right now. Please"

"Fine... but, do I really have to go deal with that Prat right now", I shot him a pointed look, "Ok, ok. You sure you're gonna be alright?"

"I'm ok, Mer. You've no need to worry"

"Alright... just try and get more sleep, please for me?"

"Go" I all but ordered him.

Later in the morning, still no more rested, I walked into the main chamber eager to just spend some time with Gaius and perhaps gain some advice. To my surprise the everpresent physician wasn't there. He must be running some errand, *sigh*, I suppose I should go get dressed so I can trade off with Mer at lunch.

After dressing and grabbing Arthur's lunch from the kitchen, I headed to the Prince's chambers (I still prefer to call them bedrooms but everytime I do I get odd looks from people).

"Ahh, there you are? I got worried when Merlin showed up this morning instead of you" Arthur stated with his usual sarcastic tone with a hint of a smile, yet there was a hint of concern underlying the humor.

"You missed me" I smiled like a chester cat who had cream for supper.

"Well... not exactly. Merlin's just far less amusing"

"Hey, I heard that," Mer shouted from his spot at the wardrobe.

"I got it from here, Merlin. Gaius also needs you help cleaning up the rooms"

"Ugh" he sighed and walked out the servants entrance. I sat the platter of various foods on the table and walked over to prepare the clothes for the welcoming ceremony for Bayard and his men. As I did so, my thoughts wandered to Nimueh and her imminent arrival... and I still haven't had the chance to talk with Gaius about how I should handle this, I doubt the cryptic lizard would be much help, besides I have Arthur to get ready.

"Scarlett? Are you alright over there?" Arthur asked, "You look tired"

"Well,I appreciate the concern... but I'm quite alright. Just in my thoughts, that's all" I tried to brush off his concern. Though touching, I've got bigger fish to fry and I Arthur knew he'd either tell me not to worry, that it's of no concern, or he'd try to get involved and may end up drinking from the cup before Merlin can grab it from him.

I could hear him walk up behind me and he placed a hand on my shoulder turning me around. I could see in his eyes that he had true concern, though he has no reason to because he's only known me for a short time. Yes, he worried about Merlin in this episode of the show but Mer was dying to save his life. Me... I'm simply tired for all he knows.

"Please" he whispered "tell me what's wrong? You seem troubled and like you haven't slept. You're not your usual cheery self". He notices all that...

"I..", I was interrupted by brisk knocks on the door.

"This isn't finished" Arthur whispered to me then shouted to the door,"Enter"

I sent a small smile at Leon as he came into view, "Sire, Lord Bayard has arrived. Your needed in the throne room"

"Thank you , Leon", with that he left. I quickly got Arthur ready and we quickly made our way towards the throne room.


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