Chapter 28

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A/N: Hey, I am going to be trying two new things with this chapter... I having been playing with and it is quite a helpful tool for writers block, and also I will be writing (part of) this on my phone. So, the format maybe slightly different than previously. I hope it turns out well and that you all enjoy ;)

Scarlett sat on the steps of the courtyard, watching life go on, as she focused on her thoughts circling rapidly through her mind. She couldn't believe how much had happened since she first woke up in that bed, back in Ealdor, with Hunith there soothing her. Yet, she was brutally aware of the fact that there was so much yet to come. She breathed in a deep breath of fresh air, a stark contrast to her home, the 21st century. Scarlett mentally prepared herself for the day ahead, whether it be unusually calm or the typical chaos that surrounded the city of Camelot. As she stood from her perch on the steps, there was a sense of determination welling up inside her. Where it came from, she was unsure and may never know. She just thanked God that it was there. Walking down towards the lower town, she was dead set on helping Merlin carry all the pots that Gaius surely had loaded on him as if he were a pack mule. Carly gave endearing smiles to anyone she passed on her way through the citadel.
"Mother?" Merlin could be heard calling out from a distance. Hunith?
"Merlin!" Hunith called back as she rushed to hug her son. Carly ran to meet them where they stood, eager to get a hug from her pseudo-medieval era mom. She and Merlin both took notice of the big bruise on her left eye.
"Aww, sweetheart" she smiled at Carly as she returned her hug.
"Hunith, what happened to your eye? " Scarlett asked with concern, suspecting she already knows, but she wanted to be certain.
"Who did this to you?" Mer added.
Gaius helped us to arrange an audience with Uther to plead for help. Hunith had been injured whilst trying to talk down a raider. Kanen and his men had been raiding Ealdor for a while now and they were beginning to run out of food.
"The winters are harsh in Ealdor, and there are many children. Some of them just won't be strong enough to survive. We barely have enough food as it is, and if Kanen takes our harvest, our children won't see another summer. Please, we need your help" Hunith pleaded to the King as she stood before him in the throne room.
"Ealdor is in Cenred's kingdom, your safety is his responsibility" Uther stated.
" We've appealed to our King, but he cares for the outlying regions. You're our only hope" Hunith continued as I made eye contact with Arthur. My eyes urged him to do something... anything to persuade his father. Even if it falls on deaf ears, someone has to try and he is the only person who can.
"I have the deepest sympathies for you and would have these barbarians wiped from the face of the earth" Uther began.
"You'll help us?"
"I wish I could"
"Surely we could spare a few men" Arthur stepped. I took a deep breath, praying that Uther at least tries to listen.
"Resources are not the problem"
"Then what is?" Morgana spoke up.
"Ealdor lies beyond the ridge of Ascetir. For an army of Camelot to enter, it would be an act of war" I sigh, sadly seeing his logic, but wishing he would attempt to find a way around this. Sadly, many of us know, he won't.
Hunith drops to her knees, "I know you are a good king, a caring man. I'm begging you, please help us"
"The accord we've struck with Cenred was years in the making. I cannot risk hundreds of lives for the sake of one village. I'm afraid Camelot cannot help" Morgana glared at her guardian as she helped Hunith up and escorted her out of the room.
I met Arthur as he made his way out of the throne room and nodded for him to follow me into an alcove for some privacy," I know what you're going to say, but I don't see what there is I can do"
"Is there not a way to get around the treaty without it being an act of war? A whole village is at risk, children's lives" I pleaded, urging him to at least think.
"If there was, would my father not have already taken it?"
"There surely has to be a way... even just sending a letter to Cenred to appeal their case" I stared at him as he refused to meet my eyes.
"It's not up to me, you know that"
"Yeah, but you have your father's ear. You are able to speak to him without all the formality. Please..." I looked down, eyes tearing up at the thought of those who helped me in my time of need going hungry and dying. It broke my heart.
He remained silent. I sighed, taking my leave.

Merlin informed me of his decision to go back with his mother to Ealdor just before he went to inform the Prince. The two of them stood on the battlements, gazing out at the lower town as they spoke. Glancing up at them, I made up my mind; I'm going with him. I may not be a great warrior but I have a few other skills that may be helpful. Running into the palace, I made my way to pack some essentials. Knowing what is coming, I will need clothes with good mobility and lots of medical supplies. Hunith's eye being any indication of the raiders' brutality.

As I walked into Gwen's home, she was handing Lin a sword. The poor boy nearly grabbed it by the blade. I chuckle under my breath with a small smile. She asked him how it felt... as if he should know one way or another.

"Yeah. Yeah, that feels... that feels really good. It's, erm, you know... swordy," Merlin stutters out. I walk in further towards them and put my hand on his shoulder, startling him in the process. Gwen just raised a brow.

"I see your learning," I tease. Gwen pulled out some armor, placing it on the kitchen table.

"I've packed some armor for you"

"I won't be able to carry all that," he complained. Morgana entered in her riding pants and corseted shirt. I sent her a smile.

"You won't have to. We're coming with you," I grabbed her hand in gratitude as I nodded firmly. Merlin's face looked at us in pure shock and disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

Gwen answered him simply,"You're going to need all the help you can get. I can mend armor and sharpen swords," obviously, this is going to be quite the ordeal.

"And I know how to fight," The Lady added.

"I am coming whether you like it or not. Where you go, I go. Besides, you'll need someone with some medical experience," I sent Lin a knowing look. He should know by now that I'll never leave him to face something on his own. He smiled at me before he turned to Gwen and Morgana, still shocked that the two of them would do this for him.

"But y-y-you can'. I mean, why would you?"

"If it were the other way around, you'd help us. You already have. You saved my life," Gwen told him.

"And you helped me get the druid boy out of Camelot. We owe it to you. Both of us," Morgana added, unwavering.


"You got the food I prepared for you?" Gaius asked us as we stood in the physician's chambers, prepared to leave for our journey.

"Yes," Merlin answered.

Gaius looked at me,"Be careful with the wine. You know what this one is like. One whiff of a barmaid's apron and he's singing like a sailor," I let out a hearty laugh.

"I'll be fine," Merlin interjected.

"Are you sure you don't want an extra blanket?"

"It's okay, really. We'll be alright"

"We've got each other," I wrapped my arm around Merlin's shoulder in a sisterly way. That's what he is to me. After everything we've been through together, he really is my brother.

"Well, make sure you are. Do whatever it takes"

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