Chapter Seven: Talks with a Dragon

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A/N: I am taking inspiration from a fellow wattpad writer and incorporating modern day songs. I will credit the song in parenthesis after. Also, warning: panic attack like symptoms/situation involved in this episode.

Arthur's POV:

I arrived at my room after dining with my father and Morgana, only to find Scarlett clearing up my room. When I walked in she did not appear to notice me, so I decided to observe her from a corner where I could hide. She is quite... unique. I can't say I've ever met anyone with her accent or someone who behaves the way she does. Scarlett holds the authority of a royal but has a different way of living, in a way. Wait! Arthur, you can be thinking like this: she is only a servant. You can't even be her friend, father would never approve, nor would the other knights. As I stood there in my thoughts I heard her begin to quietly sing along to a song I've never hear before:

Well, it may sound crazy

Turn me away, I get it

But in another time

It was you and me

I could tell you where you're going

Tell you where you've been

I can't get enough

(Call You Mine by Daughtry)

Her voice was small as she continued to sing as she cleaned. Ever once in a while she would add an odd dance move as she walked. I stood there in awe, unaware of how creepy this would seem if I were to be caught. I wonder where she is from? How is it that she knows songs I've never heard? Did she write them? I quickly decided that that was enough sneaking about... in my own room. That sounds odd, just thinking about it. Anyways, I walked up to her and made my presence known by clearing my throat.

'Oh my gosh" she gasped turning around,"Hi, sire"

"Hello, Scarlett. How long have you been here... I thought I let you and Merlin off for today already?" I asked, truly wondering why she is working in my room.

"Oh" she laughed out,"I just needed to clear my head, so I figured I would get a head start on tomorrow's work... and I wanted to check in on you", she gazed at the floor.

She really was worrying about me?? Why? She was the one nearly assaulted by Valiant, not me," There really is no need. Thank you though for the thought" I said with a caring look on my face. As I tried to be gentle towards her given what happened earlier.

"I also wanted to thank you... for earlier in the armory. I don't want to think what might have happened had Merlin not blabbed to you about it" I gave her a confused look," I mean if you had not found out where I was from him".

"Ahh" I said in realization. She really does use some peculiar words sometimes,"There is no need to thank me. I was just doing my duty as Prince". I do mean that but there is much more to it, that even I don't understand. I can only hope she accepts my explanation. "What was it that caused him to act like that?... Not that he was justified in the slightest!"

She licked her lips and it seemed in thought,"Well". She, I can only guess, thought of the best way to word it," You may not believe me, and I know it is my word against his... I am only a servant". I stopped her there.

"Scarlett, just tell me"

"I saw the snakes on Valiant's shield come to life. One of them bite Sir Ewan. Merlin and I believe it to be magic, but we don't have any proof yet and I was worried he might do something to you. After you saved me earlier... which was when I confronted him about it. I know it was stupid but I had a moment of bravery.." she spilled out. Scarlett very quickly explained the situation.

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