Chapter 24

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The morning of Arthur's crowning ceremony was cool and crisp, golden with a glow of the warm sun shining in through the stained glass windows of the throne room. Surrounded by droughts of Camelot's courtiers, Arthur was front and center. All eyes on him as he knelt before his father.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom and its dominions according to the statures, customs, and laws laid down by your forebears?" Uther's voice resounded through the room like a hot knife through ice. Merlin and I stood between Gaius and Gwen in the crowd of nobles. Despite not being here of my own fruition, I couldn't help the feeling of pure joy for the Prat. Beneath all of the arrogance and facade, there was a young man with large responsibilities laid upon him, who longed for the approval of his father.

"I do, Sire," Arthur replied.

"Do you promise to execute mercy and justice in your deeds and judgments?"

"I do, Sire" With every vow he made, the larger the smile creeping onto my face grew. No matter I tried to hide it, it was plain on my face how proud of him I truly was.

"And do you swear allegiance to Camelot, now and for as long as you shall live?"

"I, Arthur Pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service and to the protection of the kingdom and its peoples" At his son's words, The king let a small smirk appear on his usually stern face. Despite how he treats his son, that man truly loves him. If only Arthur knew, perhaps he would drop the charades and reveal where his heart truly lies.

"Now being of age and heir apparent, from henceforth, you shall be Crown Prince of Camelot," As the coronet was placed on his head, Arthur stood and turned to face his people.

"So how does it feel to be servants to the Crown Prince of Camelot?" Gwen smirked.

"Washing his royal socks will be even more of a privilege" Merlin sassed, earning a whack on the chest from me.

"You're proud of him, really"

"Even if you never stop complaining about the man," I added.

"I am not!" he deflects.

"You are. I can see it on your face. You too, Carly" Gwen insists. I blushed at her words, sending her a warm smile as we both laughed.

"Those socks are very clean, of course I am proud of them" Merlin exclaims, while I grin at him like a cheshire cat who just had cream for dinner. *glass shatters* I jumped at the sudden sound that drew the attention of the court. A knight dressed in all black armor, riding a black stallion had destroyed one of the ornate widows of the throne room. The black knight made his way towards the royal father and son duo, causing Arthur and the guards to draw their swords. Camelot's knights and Prince surrounded their King protectively, ready to strike at any moment.

"What in the devil's name?!" Uther exclaimed. The mysterious man dropped his gauntlet at Arthur's feet. The Prince went to reach for it, just as he nearly had it, another knight grabbed it from under him. This seems familiar. Come on, Scarlet! Think! Who is this man?

"I, Sir Owain, accept your challenge" The young knight spoke with pride.

"Single combat. Noon tomorrow. To the death" The Black Knight ordered before riding off. Just as he passed the crowd, I finally saw his crest. My eyes widened in shock; Tristan!


"Have you seen that Black Knight before?" Merlin worriedly asked his Great Uncle.

"I don't believe so" The physician nonchalantly answered as he focused on his work.

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