Chapter 29

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The following night, we all slept around the campfire. Morgana and Gwen were fast asleep while Merlin, Hunith, and I sat near one another, chanting quietly as Lin tended to the fire.

I had my arm wrapped around Hunith as I enjoyed the motherly love she always extended towards me.

"They shouldn't be here. Especially the Lady Morgana. Isn't she the King's ward?" she spoke to her son.

"Not that you'd know it. She's the only person I know who isn't frightened of him"

"It won't make any difference to Kanen that they're women"

"I know. But I couldn't talk them out of coming," he turned to me for a brief moment,"this one either" I gave him a tight lipped smile. Merlin's attention then turned to the bruise on his mother's face.

" I want him to pay for what he did to you"

"Promise me that you'll be careful. No one can find out about you" I gave her a squeeze as she voiced her concerns for Merlin.

"They won't. They never do," he affirmed. I sent him an understanding look and reached for his hand with a nod.

"Get some rest" Hunith told us as she laid down on her blanket. Merlin took a stick that had been partially in the fire, and blew some sparks into the air. He whispered Draca, causing the sparks to form the dragon that symbolized the house of Pendragon.


Unable to rest, I went for a walk to collect firewood, careful not to travel too far from the campsite. My mind was racing with thoughts of what Hunith and the others have had to endure these past months with Kanen and his barbaric men. How do people even end up so cruel and heartless? Stealing food from people, children, who need it to survive? It's unthinkable. I stared at the ground as I walked, trees tall and elegant in the light of the moon. Suddenly, I feel something poking my back,"I'd ask you for money but I know you don't have any," I let out a sigh of relief as I turned to face him.

"I followed us," I say. I knew he would eventually but I am still grateful.

"Carly, what are you doing walking around by yourself in the dark?" he questioned.

"Collecting firewood," I explained matter of factly.

"By yourself," he said in concern.

"Yes. I couldn't sleep and wanted to be helpful," He sighed at my response," Come on," I gently grabbed his lower arm and led him to the camp. When we got back, Merlin was sitting up stoking the fire like he had been not too long ago. He gave me a look asking why Arthur was here; I merely replied with a shrug.

"How much further is it?" Arthur asked us as we sat by the fire.

"Er, maybe a few hours," Merlin answered.

"How many men does Kanen have?"

"Erm, I'm not sure, I think, from what my mother said, maybe as many as forty"

"You should both get some rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow"

"Thank you. Erm, I know you didn't have to come," Merlin began.

"Get some sleep," Arthur reiterated. I glanced at him, his eyes meeting mine after a few moments. I mouthed 'thanks' with a smile before I huddled up next to Gwen and Morgana.


We rode through the forest that felt as though it never ended. I didn't miss this trek a bit. My butt felt as though it had been in a saddle for days and was getting quite sore, though it was better than walking here- that is the real pain in the butt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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