Chapter 22

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In the morning, I went off to handle the duties of the Prince's servants and Lin was to check on the boy. Arthur was asleep in his rather large four poster bed, red blanket and white sheets reaching his mid back. My eyes caught the peaceful expression resting on his face. I almost didn't want to wake him up when he looked like that. Alas, we all have our jobs and Arthur can't do his unless I do mine- meaning I needed to disturb the Prince's beauty sleep.

"Arthur... it's time to get up" I shook his shoulders gently.

"Go away..." he groaned,"let me sleep"

"Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me and it is time for breakfast" He rolled over and covered his face with his pillow.

"Noooo..." his groans continued. At this point, he honestly sounded like every moody teenager when they have to get ready for school. Can't say that I blame him, he was on the hunt for an innocent, young boy who he believed didn't deserve what was coming for him. I opened the curtains and pulled out his chair at the table.

"Come on, you've got to eat. I even made this myself- eggs, bacon, and toast" I lifted the plate so that he could eat.

"What if I don't want to eat? '' Arthur retorted as he sat up. He sounded like he was trying to joke but it fell short due to his monotone voice.

"Come on, it's something different than what you're used to. Nice change of pass..." My voice faded off as I noticed the forelonged look in his deep blue eyes. Making my way to sit next to him, I couldn't help but ask,"What's wrong?"

"I've no idea what you mean" he stared holes into his hands that rested in his lap.

"Trust me, you're no morning person but even this is out of character for you. What's on your mind? Talk to me" Observing his body language, he seemed almost in despair but he tried to hide it. He tried to be strong and uphold the personna, the facade that was expected of the Prince of such a grand kingdom. It's how he was raised, to never show how he truly felt and to put all others before himself.

"You've heard about the Druid boy, I assume" His eyes examined the room, landing everywhere but on mine.

"Yeah, I heard"

"My father wants him found and executed. I tried to talk him out of it, convince him to show mercy but his mind wouldn't be swayed...He's just a boy. What has he ever done to deserve being put to death" His eyes filled with unshed tears. Reaching out, I grabbed a hold of his hands and I lowered myself to kneel before him.

"What is important here is that you are trying. You talked to your father and even though he didn't change his mind, you spoke your mind. There is this quote that I like... just because you're the only one, doesn't make the fight any less important. It just means that you'll have to fight harder for it"

"But what I did makes little difference-" I cut him off.

"Just because it didn't work, doesn't mean that all hope is lost. As long as there is still breath in that boys lungs and his heart beats, there is always hope" There was that look that I couldn't quite figure out again. A glint in his eyes that caused an unexplainable feeling in my chest.

"How can you be so sure"

"Because, without hope, we would all be lost and... I have seen how you care for your people, your sense of justice" He looked down once again and I gently lifted his chin. Our eyes met,"I mean it Arthur. You must never lose hope" His mouth parted and his eyes fell to look at my lips. I kept my gaze firm on his eyes, trying to decipher what was going on in his mind. Only to be interrupted by a sharp couple knocks on the Prince's door. We broke apart as Arthur called for them to enter. I made my way to the servant's door before he could stop me.

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