Chapter Seventeen (Part two)

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Thank you for 1k views! You all are amazing! I have been trying to write some over my christmas break- hopefully you guys enjoy this early present from me.                                              I love you all- Abby Z.

"Gaius, what's the matter?" I pondered.

"You said that there are a great many dangerous things that occur because of this man. Please, let me handle the talking for now" He answered with a rather pointed look. One in which I returned in kind

"Gaius, I can help..." He continued to give me a fatherly look of disapproval and warning. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh as I considered what he was asking of me. Could I really let things stay that close to the original plot? I know I need to trust Gaius, but my concern is that of his and Merlin's safety.

"Fine, but bear in mind that I am not happy about this. I am only conceding because I trust you" He gave a nod and opened the door. Leading the way in, I stood close behind him.

"Edwin, Your scar has healed well, I often wondered what happened to that poor young boy" Edwin turned to him with a blank face, save for his furrowed brows.

"I told you we've never met before"

"I did,'t realize who you were until I checked the records. You used your mother's maiden name. You are Gregor and Jaden's son"

"They were friends of yours"

"They were sorcerers"

"They practiced magic. And so did a lot of people back then, Gaius" Edwin became more and more apprehensive as the conversation proceeded.

"Uther will be furious when he finds out who you are" Gaius pushed, causing Edwin to turn from what he was doing and walk towards us.

"Fine. Fine. Shall we tell him? Let's go and tell him. Let's tell him. Let's tell him everything. Oooh, I know... We could tell him about Scarlet"

"What about me?" I stepped in and walked around Gaius to be in plain view of the Sorcerer at hand.

"You know that you knew about me and my skills. That you confronted me but didn't bring it to the King. For all he knows, you could have been involved in the plan. After going on a trip for two days and showing up just after Lady Morgana falls fatally ill" He accused.

"You have no proof to back you up. Like you said to me earlier, he'll never believe you without solid evidence" I walked closer to him, speaking with venom that I hoped he could feel in his gut. He won't be allowed to twist things to his benefit on my watch.

"Oh, but can't I. If I confess and the King believes me. Anything to do with sorcery will blind the King to reason" Crap, he has a good point- Uther doesn't know me, I'm just a servant. He would have me burned at the stake with even the slightest suspicion of magic. I can't do that to Merlin. I stood before him frozen, unable to think of a response to such a thought.

"You're here to take revenge" Gaius pushed me behind him once again as he resumed his conversation with Edwin.

"And I have waited a long time"

"And you think we will sacrifice the King to save my own life. How selfish do you think I am? No matter what he has done, killing him will not mend what has happened in the past" I exclaimed. I would gladly deal with the consequences to save Arthur from losing his father. It may have taken me a minute to come to that conclusion, but it is nonetheless more true.

"Think about it, Gaius, Scarlet. But if I find out that you have told one other person, I will go straight to Uther" Just as he finished his threat, Merlin came barging in with arms full of stuff.

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