𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 | 𝐌𝐣

506 11 11

TW, mentions of death, mentions of hitting, mentions of guns


The rest of Jamaica was just as bad, maybe even worse.

My dad just continued yelling at me and hitting me and other things...

But once I got home, everything was still bad. From the scars and bruises on my face. I told Li that there was a bank robbery. I can't tell anyone.

I promised.

Peter won't talk to me. I've texted him asking if he wants to go for a swing -swinging around New York with me- but he doesn't reply and I'm not sure why. But Ned and Lex will still talk to me. Apparently he won't talk to them either. But I've seen videos of him out but when I try to find him, I can't.

But now I'm climbing into his window, but he's not here. I bought us a Lego set to build and it's in my tote bag. It has been two weeks since I've seen him last and my face is pretty healed up.

God what am I doing.

This is totally crossing boundaries.

It's fine...

It's not but whatever.

I get into his room and I pull the box out of my bag and I grab my phone.

Y/N: come to your room

He doesn't reply and so I sit at his desk and wait. About fifteen minutes go by and his door finally opens. But it's a girl. She's laughing and Peter is following behind her. I tug at a string on my sweater. She has black curly long hair. She's tall and just absolutely stunning.

Peter finally spots me, his eyes are wide and his smile drops. I gulp. "Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here?" He mumbles.

"I dunno, I just thought we could build this Lego set together because you don't talk to us anymore but if you're busy that's okay." I stand up and put the set back.

"Oh this is Mj, my... my uh friend?" He says more as a question.

"Oh, hey. I'm Y/N." I smile softly.

"I know." She smiles back but it's awkward.

"Well I'm gonna go.... Tell May I say hi, and maybe answer your texts. We've missed you." I mumble as my suit covers me. "Bye, mate!"

I jump out of the window and shoot my web to keep me off of the ground. For some reason I feel jealousy but I shouldn't be keeping him to myself and I mean of course he can have girlfriends, that's common sense it's just... I don't know.


Peter: sorry for earlier, we were just out on a date and we came back to my house. I should have looked at your text. maybe we can all hang out soon

I've been staring at the text for what feels like forever. I feel so empty. The word 'date' is going through my mind, over and over again.

"Get out of bed. I'm taking you to dinner because you look upset so we are gonna talk." Li throws a pillow at my back.

"What about mum?" I mumble. Ever since my mum got back after she took down the red room, things have been different, she barely speaks anymore.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now