𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 | 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭

428 8 46

TW, hitting, sexu@l @$$@ult, F slur usage

This chapter is really triggering. There will be a summary at the beginning of next chapter if you want to skip this one. I know things like this can be very triggering, so this is you warning. Love you all.



I am so terrified

I don't even want to get out of bed so I don't have to face him.

Why did I agree to this?

I slid on some wide leg denim trousers and I put on a black tank top then a white cardigan. I pull my hair back into a low braid and I wear my vans.

Once I'm happy with how I look, I grab my tote bag and my keys. "Hey, remember your meeting Jack for lunch and twelve." I hear my mum.

I'm not going.

"Also, remember Li and I are leaving for the weekend."

"Yeah," I walk to her, "Have a good holiday, tell Li I say bye. I'm in a rush so I can't wait for her." I wrap my arms around mum.

"I love you, stay safe."

"Love you." I pull away. "Gotta go, bye!" I shout as I walk out of the door.

God I'm nervous.

I get inside my car and I listen to a bit of Shania Twain on the way there.

I'm so scared Peter is just going to get mad at me. I'm scared he will be an actual tit. If he is, I'll just leave.

But, I also need to be nice and not be a tit as well. Sometimes I can be one and sometimes I'm incredibly annoying.

Just stay calm.

Minutes later I get to the cafe and I grip onto my tote bag, -screaming inside-. I open the door and I walk up to the register. "Hi, how are you?" He says.

"Uhm..." I clear my throat. "I'll get green tea with honey please." I mumble.

He taps on the screen for a second and then looks back at me. "Anything else?" He hums, I tug on my lip looking at the menu.

"I think I'll get an avocado toast too." I smile towards him. "And that's all."

He smiles lightly, his mouth closed. "Great, your total will be $9.28, cash or card?"

"Card." I pull my wallet out of my bag and I grab my card.

Once I pay, I thank him and he says my order will be ready soon. I then look around seeing if Peter is here yet. I spot him and he smiles at me, adjusting his t-shirt. "Hi." He mumbles as I sit.

"Hello, darling." I don't look at him yet, instead I set my tote bag on the ground and then look up to him. My eyes meet his and I feel safe, and welcome. "How have you been?"

"Uhm, I'm doing really well actually." He nods his head. What the fuck is wrong with him? He's being all proper?... "You?"

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now