𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎 | 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧

109 2 25

TW, mentions of underage drinking


Flo: we have two days to continue/start making food again if you want to come over today (i think that you should)

I burry my face into my pillow when I read the text. It hasn't barley been a day since we picked Peter up, last night I hung out with Flo for two or more hours and then I went home around 01:00. We never continued making food last night, we were both to tired so we cuddled up on a couch and watched My Policeman which both of us ended in tears.

Y/N: sure, i'll come over at 15:00, i just have to pick Morgan up from her preschool at 12:00 and I am taking her for lunch, do you want to come with us?

Flo: sure, sounds fun

I again, bury my face into my pillow.

Y/N: okay, be here by eleven so that we can get up there in time :)

Flo: cool cool see you then, veryyyyy excited to meet her

I stand up and out of my bed. I yawn and stretch my arms in the air. I make my bed quickly and turn on the shower. I get in and quickly wash my body off, but sooner than later it's over. I get dressed in some patchy jeans and a maroon laced tank top. I slide on some heeled boots and I pull my hair into a low bun and place some black sunnies on my head.

I put on a couple of rings and a crystal necklace then, I grab my tote and my keys and go down the stairs where Happy is with his coffee, so I walk to the teas and make myself tea, "Good morning." I smile.

"Yeah, uh, thank you for helping Peter last night it really worried May. Do y'want to know what happened?" He asks, not even glancing up from his phone.

"No, I don't want to know." I pull out some strawberries while the water is heating up, "Yeah, uh he was wasted, dunno why though." I pause, "Flo is gonna come over and we are gonna take Morgan to lunch."

"Okay." He answers, "Last night Peter was invited to that party so he went with Ned and this girl told him to go to have a drink with him so they drank a lot and according to May they had s e x," He spells out, "And then he left her realising what he did and that he loves you and not her so he called you."

I put the strawberries away instead of cutting them and grab a granola bar, "Didn't I just say I don't want to know."

"Yeah, sorry." He straightens his face, "Just thought that you should know."

I begin walking out of the door, "I don't want to know that he fucked a different person." I shut it and sigh loudly; I then open my phone and I call up Flo, "Hey, I'll just pick you up, I'm on my way now." I say.

I hear shuffling in the background, "Getting ready now." She laughs, making me feel like I am on clouds, "Okay, let me know when you are here." She then whispers a stop, so I wrinkle my eyebrows, "Sorry, I bought a puppy this morning."

I shoot my eyebrows in the air, "Sorry?"

"Is it okay if he comes with us? Sorry, my mom and dad don't know, I thought that it would be a nice surprise for when they come home from Paris..." She pauses, "Have you ever had a pet?"

I nod, "Yeah, she was called Toaster, but I think that Mr. Stark sold her when I was blipped." I wrinkle my eyebrows, "Hm... I'm going to ask Happy about that later."

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now