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i drew this about this chapter, read to the end for it to make sense:)

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i drew this about this chapter, read to the end for it to make sense:)


Today is Flo's 18th birthday, I plan to surprise her when she gets home. Her parents are out getting a couple things for her dinner tonight. I don't think that I am supposed to stay for dinner because her grandparents will be there. I'm going to get balloons to put in her room and I am going to decorate it a bit, then when she gets home I am going to be in her room in some lavender coloured lingerie. Then, I will eat her out and kiss her and make her feel good.

But before any of that I have to meet with Peter, Happy, May, and Mr. Murdock Peter's lawyer.

"Well, I have some good news, I don't think any of the charges are going to stick, Peter." Mr. Murdock sits.

"Are you serious?" Peter questions, "That's great!"

"I knew it." I smirk.

"Oh my god, Mr. Murdock, thank you- thats..." Peter pauses and then chuckles, "That's amazing."

"Your welcome." Mr. Murdock turns to Happy, "However, Mr. Hogan, the feds are actively investigating that missing technology. I uh, I understand your loyalty to Mr. Stark and his legacy but if you were involved-"

"If I was involved?" Happy points to himself.

Mr. Murdock sighs and nods, "I advise you get a lawyer."

"I need a lawyer because I'm under investigation?" Happy asks. "I thought he was- You said there is no charges, I could say under advisement of counsel, I refuse to answer the question... respectfully. Because the answer can incriminate me. It's in Goodfellas, what do they say in Goodfellas?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." May taps Happy, "I know that's what you think... calm down. Let's hear what he has to say. Matt?" May turns to Mr. Murdock.

"You're gonna need a really good lawyer" Mr. Murdock pauses, "Peter, you may have dodged legal charges... but things will get worse. There is still a court of public opinion. Y/N... I advise you to get a PR manager to help you write something up about who Quinton Beck really is." Suddenly the glass shatters, both Peter and I reach our hands out to catch it but Mr. Murdock catches it.

Both Peter and I wrinkle our eyebrows from confusion, "How did you do that?..." Peter asks.

"I'm a really good lawyer." He smirks.

"We are going to need a safer place to live." May leans onto the table.

"Just stay with us." Happy mumbles, "May you can. stay in my room, Peter can be on the couch."

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now