𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 | 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚

381 7 15

TW, self harm


After court, I didn't go home with my mum, instead, I went straight to Peter's house. He has always been there for me and he can always distract me from these things.

I knock on the door tugging on my sweater. My anxiety threw the roof considering I just saw Jack at court. The door opens and it's May, "Y/N, hey, how are you?" She asks, she knows what has happened to me, the entire world does.

"I'm okay, and you?" I ask as she welcomes me inside and I slip off my shoes.

"I'm good, Peter is in his room." She mumbles. I nod my head and thank her as I walk down the hall to Peter's room.

I knock on the door, "Peter, can I come in?" I hum.

"Yeah." I hear him say and the door opens. "What's up?"

"Can I just stay here for a little bit?" I ask him, "I just wanna talk if that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course, come in." He opens the door and I sit on his bed and lean against the wall, "How uh... how was court?"

I stare at his desk for a second. "I hate him." I whisper, trying not to break, "He- He wouldn't stop staring at me and he-'' I pause, "I mean he pled guilty and got sentenced to thirty-five years in prison, but still, I'm so scared." I hug my knees, "Sorry."

"Oh no, you're totally okay." He sits next to me, "He won't hurt you, okay? I won't let him, your mum wont let him, your entire family wont let him, plus, you are the Spider and you are so strong and you could beat him in a fight anyday. But he is in prison so it's not like he could get to you anyway."

I laugh a little, "Thank you." I smile softly, "You've gotta meet my cat Toaster." I changed the subject.

"Show me the pictures, I've heard of her." He says. I nod my head and I pull my phone out, I open my photos app and I show him the six pictures of her, "Awh." He beams, "She's so tiny, why'd you name her toaster?"

"I was getting her food and I told her she only has wee's in the litterbox and so she didn't listen and she had a wee on the toaster."

"I'm gonna call her Toast, it's better." He smirks.

I shake my head, "No. Toaster is way better." Then, I let out a laugh. A genuine laugh for the first time in weeks.

"Hey, I never got to build that lego set you bought me, so maybe we could start that?" Peter asks.

"Oh yeah, let's do that." I grin. We then built the entire set and I ended up getting home around midnight.


It was the next day and I was against the wall in my room with the lighter against my thighs, I choked out more and more sobs as I continued burning myself. That is, my phone starts to ring and It's from Harry. I quickly pick it up with my shaky hands and I wipe my tears away. "Hello." I hear him over the phone.

"Hi." I reply and brush my hair behind my ear.

"I just finished recording this song I wrote about you, called Matilda. If I sent it over, would you give it a listen?" His voice is slow and calm as usual.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now