𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 | 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?

461 8 20

TW, mentions of fire, cuts,


Tony said no. His words were, 'kid I'm going to have to say no because I don't think Parker could survive a fight without you' So as I drive home, I stop at a cafe.

I'm drinking my vanilla latte and I'm knitting myself a cardigan. It's late at night, so I got decaf. Suddenly there is a big boom. I look over and Deli-Grocery, on fire. And Peter, running across the street. I stand up. "Hey I'm gonna leave this here, I'll be right back." I tell a worker, she nods and my suit covers me.

I walk near the fire and Peter comes out with Mr. Delmar coughing and hanging onto Peter. Peter lets him go, seconds later a light pole from the ATM falls over. What the hell? "What did you do?" I ask him.

"Oh come on..." Peter breathes heavily with a cat in his arm. Tony was right. "Here, here." Peter gives the cat to Mr. Delmar.

No one knows Peter's Spiderman so his voice changes deeper when he talks -it sounds awful- Peter walks up to me and scratches his head. "What did you do?" I ask again.

"People were robbing the ATM, it was pretty serious." He nods his head. "I've got Karen calling firemen, I have a bad cut I need to clean up. Will you come with me?" He pulls off his mask, he has red puffy eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, I then turn his face looking at the cut. "Were you crying?"

"In a cool way.... Mj and I got into a bad argument. She told me to-" He changes his voice to a whispering tone, "-fuck myself. It was all because I told her I wanted to just go do a movie night without her. She yelled at me and it was a little dramatic but I'm scared she hates me." The sadness in his voice makes my heart sink.

"She doesn't hate you, lad. She's just gonna need a minute." I let go of his face and we continued walking to his apartment.

"Did you just call me lad?" Peter pushes his head back and wrinkles his eyebrows.

"I call lads lad, you're a proper lad so I'll call you a lad." I roll my eyes.

"Anyway... I'm just scared that she doesn't like me."

"It's alright, she will come around. Mj is nice, and sweet... and she loves you so much, she doesn't hate you." I smile at him softly, trying to cheer him up.


We crawl on Peter's ceiling and then I jump onto the ground. My suit comes off and I'm left in my beige corduroy pants and dark green long sleeve. Suddenly I hear the shattering of legos. I turn and Ned is there -who doesn't know Peter is Spiderman,- his jaw dropped. "What was that?!" I hear May shout.

Ned stands up, "It's... nothing! Nothing!" Peter shouts and I shut the door.

"You're the other Spiderman.." Ned exhales, "From YouTube."

"I'm not. I'm not." Peter shakes his head frantically.

"He's not." I shake my head. "He was just wearing an extra suit I made." I came up with an excuse.

"Yeah, yeah. Really cool suit, Y/N." Peter nods his head in agreement.

Peter then presses the button on his suit making it go loose and fall off of his body. I press my face into my hands, considering he is in his boxers. "You were on the ceiling..." Ned breathlessly says.

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