𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 | 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

435 6 26

TW, mentions of death in the author note, and mentions of nightmares


"Don't think that it's your fault, I was the one who kissed you." I hold my phone to my ear and speak as I stare at the road in front of me as Lex and I drive to school.

He breathes out a shaky breath, "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable coming to my house now or hanging out with me because..." He pauses, " I don't want to lose you again, like when I was dating Mj and we didn't talk at all- I hated that."

"Peter, you won't lose me again, we can still hang out... I'm just- not ready for a relationship yet. But... maybe in the future, just not yet." I hum, "I just wanted to call you so you don't feel guilty. I just had to leave because I felt like a horrible person, kissing you without your consent, not even knowing if you liked it or if you even like me." I shrug my shoulders. I look over and Lex's mouth is wide open.

I stayed over at Lex's last night after what happened to Peter, she then told me on our way to school that I have to call him. "I- erm... Uh yeah, yeah... I do, a lot." I almost need to cover the mic so I can laugh. This poor kid is so awkward. "Erm... I- I gotta go."

I nod my head, "Okay, talk later, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely." He tries to keep his voice low from all of his excitement.

"Bye bye." I hung up, "That bloke... He was shitting himself, like propper shitting himself just barely." I chuckle.

"You like him? I didn't know that." Lex grins widely with sarcasm.

"Shut up. Eh... I guess I fancy him a bit. I just don't need a relationship right now, I could see us together in the future though." I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah. Probably." I smirk.

"Awh, you guys would be so cute and coupley! I feel like he would give you flowers a lot, and always check in on you and it would just be so cute"

I roll my eyes, "Sod off." I smile and feel my face flush red. We pulled into the parking lot of the school, "But anyways, I have a class with Peter today, I would skip but we also have a test for the end of term so... sad."

"Yeah, I'm stressed, the teachers are putting way too much on us." She agrees with me. We walk into the school and go separate ways.

I walk into my fourth period, my last class, knowing I have it with Peter. I sit in my seat, luckily, Peter isn't here yet. I am incredibly nervous. I know that everything will be fine, and it's not that I am scared to see him - I am - but the last I saw him was when I had a dream about Jack, last night. And... I kissed him.

"Hey." I hear Peter exhale and sit next to me. "I was going to skip because we have a sub, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to go with me since there's not really a point for either of us to be here since we are just working on a group project that we can work on somewhere else."

That was so easy for him to talk about. "Erm..." I thought for a minute, "Yeah, I'm not behind at all, and I don't know where the sub is so let's go." We grab our bags, "Do you have your suit so we can swing to Lex's house where my car is?"

He nods his head, "Yeah, Mr. Stark got me one of those cool suits that you have the other day."

"That's good. Anyway, do you want to go to your house or mine?"

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now