𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐 | 𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

137 2 17

Peter's POV

I have a plan, but it seems to be going the wrong way.

My plan was to get Y/N back and explain why I broke up with her in the first place and how it was an accident. I was going to kiss her, explain how much I love her, give her flowers, give her a necklace, and make it up to her.

But, Florian, her new friend and her roommate has not taken her hands off of Y/N, this entire time. Which makes me think that they could be seeing each other. I should just let it be but the thought of another persons lips on hers is heartbreaking.

I've never felt so alone.

Ned has his girlfriend and then I just have myself. I feel so lonely. I don't even have Y/N. Just my aunt may and me. Not Mr. Stark, not Y/N, not Ned.

I hate the way Florian with whisper things into Y/N's ears, and Y/N will blush. Or she will squeeze Y/N's waist and it will make Y/N squirm, like how I used to do. She looks so happy, and she looks like she doesn't even notice me anymore.

"Looks like we are here." Mr. Harrington says while the boat comes to a stop. "They're doing some renovations to the place. Getting some upgrades." We all stand up and make our way off of the boat. I turn once I am off to help Y/N, but she is already getting that from Florian.

I walk inside of the hotel and there are many cats meowing and it is flooded. "This place is sinking." Flash scoffs.

"Must've flooded." I hear Florian.

"Okay everybody." Mr. Dell announces, "Drop your bags off, we are going to meet at da Vinci museum at 3, lets go!"

I drop my head and walk into my room which has mine and Ned's name on it noticing how Y/N and Florians are next to ours. I throw my bag on the bed and lay down contemplating all of my life decisions.


Once I am outside, I am alone again. I notice Florian taking many pictures of Y/N, they look so in love... almost like Y/N and I. I shove my hands in my pockets and walk into a small jewellery shop. "Buongiorno." I say walking in.

"Buongiorno." The man mumbles back.

I look up, "Hi, uh... I'm looking for a-" I utter but he holds up a beautiful necklace that would look so good on Y/N. I grab it from him and hold it against the light. I smile, "It's perfect."

When I buy the necklace I turn in the alleyway and I see something so unexpected.

Florian kissing my love, the only person I think about, the person who has touched every part of me, the person who has seen every part of me, who has heard me cry, who has seen me cry, who has comforted me, who has let me learn what love is again, and the person who I can't get back.


I gulp and Florian is off of her in a second, "Oh shit- Peter, please don't say anything." My eyes gloss over.

I shake my head from confusion, "Wait, I'm confused, are you gay Y/N?" I lick my lips and I am full of hurt... I shouldn't be though.

She shakes her head, "I'm bisexual, but please, please don't tell anyone, not anyone at all, not even Happy knows, just you, Ned, and Flo."

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now