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TW, throwing up


I am vomiting my guts out and I'm so nauseous. "Shit." I groan.

It has been one month since I was told that I could move to the compound. Today, Peter helped me move into my new room. When we finished we turned on a scary movie and passed out on my bed tangled in each other's arms. I had been feeling ill all day, and I had been coughing and nauseous. But when I woke up, I booked it to my bathroom and started puking.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Peter rushes over to me and holds my hair back. "I could tell you were sick all day, I was gonna ask." He holds my hair back.

"I think I'm done." I sigh and grip onto the seat so I can stand up. Peter flushes the toilet and lowers the lid. "Sit, bug." I do so. "I will get you your toothbrush, but let me clean your face real quick. He stands up and grabs a towel from under the counter. He then gets it wet with hot water. He squats in front of me then, brushing my hair behind my ears. He wipes my lips - though there was nothing there, - Then he gets up and gets me my toothbrush.

Once I finish cleaning myself up. "This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry." I say as I get into my bed.

He shakes his head, "No don't be." He begins walking to my door, "I am going to get you some water and some ibuprofen." I nod in agreement. I then pull my comforter over my face, - Feeling sicker than ever -, and I close my eyes, trying to ignore the raging pain in my head.

A few minutes later, I can feel Peter sit next to me and pull the covers down. "Hey, I have some medicine for you." He whispers. "I also told your mom that you aren't well, she said to tell you to let her know if you need anything."

"Okay." I sit myself up. "Thank you." I grab the water and I take the pills. "Jesus, I'm so nauseous." I squint my eyes shut. "I think I got what's been going around school." I whisper, scooting back under my covers. "Please lay with me."

"'Course." He mumbles and wraps his arm around me. We have been talking for a month, but it feels like forever. He kisses the top of my head "Do you want to know what I thought about today?"


"I thought about kissing you. And yesterday too. I know I'll think about kissing you tomorrow too. More days after that, I thought about kissing you, slowly, tracing my fingers on your lips. I think about kissing you in the car, on the doorstep of your old house, on your bed. I think about kissing your dimple on your cheek, my spot." His thumb lightly brushes against my dimple, "I think about kissing you, and only you. No one else."

Oh my god.

I am wonderstruck.

I cup his face and I press my lips against his. I smile in the kiss immediately, his tongue explores my mouth and grips onto my hair. "I'm going to get you sick." I whisper.

"It's okay." He kisses my lips one more time. "You need to get some rest." He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his chest.

"I think about kissing you, and hugging you, and holding your hand, and when you give me flowers, and when I facetime you because I am having a hard night and you are there for me. I love that." I mumble when closing my eyes. And I eventually fall asleep.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now