𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖 | 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐮𝐩

249 3 30

TW, daddy osborn, use of the word rape


Everything just got worse when school started. And I am still together, with Flo, an entire month after I slept Peter. I tried to talk to her but instead, I on accidentally told her that I forgave her. Peter is mad at me... he has the right to be. That day, we had tea and came up with a plan for me to tell her what had happened and that I think we should just be friends.

Instead, I let her finger-fuck me.

She felt bad and wanted to eat me out and finger-fuck me.

She knows that I slept with Peter, and she said that it's okay, we all make mistakes... but when I was going to say that it wasn't a mistake, she went down on me.

But now, it's the first day of my senior year.

When we left, we were in a private van with tinted windows for our safety. Ned and Flo had to come with us. I haven't seen Ned all summer long and I don't know if he knows what happened between Peter and I but he can tell that something is up from the silence between the two of us.

I've tried to speak to Peter but he won't talk to me.

When we pull into the school, there are just lines and lines of people waiting for us. Peter sighs, I can see how stressed he is and I just want to make it better.

When we get out, Ned and Peter walk next to each other while Flo and I walk hand-in-hand. There are people shouting things, "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! We love you! Are you going to have Spider babies?!"

I roll my eyes and we walk through security to get in we are far behind Peter at this point. They shove me inside and I go up the stares and there are students lined up just staring at me, I look at the teachers, "You're going to let them do that but not let them use the bathroom?" I question.

They stop staring and Mr. Harrington says, "Get to class." And so they do.


When it hit lunch, I couldn't find Peter anywhere. Flo and I don't have the same lunch and I needed to talk to Peter. So I go where I usually find him. On top of the roof.

No surprise he was there.

He was sitting up there, his head resting on his backpack. So, I lay my backpack down and lay next to him. At that, he turns to the side, "Come on, Peter." I sigh.

"I don't have anything to say to you. I'm not wasting another breath on my love for you."


"I know that I made a mistake,  but I don't know how to get her away, she follows me everywhere," I exclaim.

"If you don't want to be with her then why are you hurting her too? You are leading both of us. I let you touch me, Y/N... I let you lead me to think that you loved me. And now you are just hurting both Flo and me. Do you realise how toxic you are being?" He sits up and looks at me

I gulp and look at my feet. That hurt really bad. "I'm sorry. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you," I stand up, go down all the flights of stairs, and leave the school as soon as I could.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now