𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 | 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧.

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TW, mentions of sexu@l @ss@ult, mentions of animal abuse, mentions of blood,  panic attacks, and mentions of hitting.

LAST CHAPTER RECAP: Y/N Met up with Peter and tried to explain herself, he threatened to tell her mum about Jack hitting her, he left but didn't tell Nat anything, she then ran into Harry Styles and they talked for a little bit. She then went out and bought a cat and named it Toaster because Toaster had a wee on the toaster. While she was watching some TV, Jack came into her house because she 'forgot' to show up to their lunch, he kicked Toaster and SA'd Y/N. But during that, Lex came into Y/N's house and she saw everything. Lex called the cops and they arrested Jack. That's all for the recap.


I've been asked a million questions, I've been to the hospital, I've been to the police station, I have been everywhere. It has been only one day since Lex saw.... Everything. I feel awful for her and I'm sure she is just traumatized.

I also feel bad for interrupting Lina's and mum's holiday. They barely ever get out anymore and I just feel awful.

Finally though, I'm getting a break. To process everything. I am laying in my bed, curled up, shaking, -hugging Toaster of course-. They found her yesterday, under my bed. She luckily didn't get too hurt, she just got a small cut on her nose.

Everything has been way too much.

There's a knock at my door interrupting my thoughts. "Hm?" I sit up, wiping my eyes. "Come in." My voice is raspy and quiet.

The door slowly opens, "Hey, there are some people here to see you, do you want me to let them in or are you not up to talk?" My mum asks while leaning against the door.

"Yeah, they can come in." I nod my head. I sit criss-crossed and I set Toaster next to me. Seconds later Peter, Ned, and... Mj? Come through my door. I clench my jaw, they all sit on my bed, -still haven't said anything-. "Uh... Hi." I wrinkle my eyebrows.

"How are you?" Ned asks. What the fuck? "After you know, everything."

"I don't know? I'm okay." I shrug my shoulders. I glance at Mj who is literally staring into my soul.

"We are here for you if you need to talk at all." Peter mumbles.


"We?" I hear Mj whisper under her breath but I decide not to make a comment about it.

"Why are you here?" I ask truthfully, "Honestly. Like yesterday, you just walked away from me because of what I 'said' to Mj." I make quotation marks with my hands as I talk.

"I wasn't lying." Mj hisses.

I scoff and roll my eyes, "That is bull and you know that."

"You are such a selfish slut!" Mj shouts at me. Everyone's jaw drops. "You deserve what your dad did to you." She then rolls her eyes and holds onto Peters arm which he pulls away, "Let's go, baby."

"Excuse me?" I wrinkle my eyebrows. "I fucking deserved that? Are you serious right now?" I feel Toaster rub against me.

"Get out Mj." Peter shakes his head.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now