𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑 | 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐭

258 2 23

TW, using the r@pe word, using wh0re word, mentions of jack, smut


I am so mad at my mum.

I am having an awful day. I'm in my car, trying to drive to Peters but the tears in my eyes are preventing me from driving.

My mum was in my room talking to me and she saw some condoms I had bought incase Peter and I have sex anytime soon. We have only had sex once, that's it. I just bought them just in case. She saw them on my nightstand and she was pissed.

She told me I am too young for that and I need to be safer. I said it was only once and those are just in case. I also said that at least I am being safe.

She called me a whore.

She fucking called me a whore.

Which is how I got here, in the parking lot with a backpack full of clothes. She didn't tell me I needed to leave, but I had too. I called Peter on my way out, telling him what had happened and that's when I finally started crying. I don't even know why my mum is so horrible to me.

Peter told me to come over and I can stay however long I would like as long as it was okay with Lina or my mum, - I didn't ask them. - I am in tears because of how angry I am at her. You can never call your daughter a whore, no matter what, even with the trauma I have from Jack calling me a whore, she should have never said that, no matter what. I finally calm down from my tears, anger is still radiating around me. I start my car, and begin driving to Peters.

When I finally get to Peters, he comes down so he can open the door and let me in. I get out of my car and throw my tote bag on my shoulder. Peter spots me and I walk towards him, once he sees me, he looks extremely upset. I can tell he's angry with my mum, you can see it in his face.

Peter knows every detail about what Jack had done to me. He knows the names he would call me, whore, slut, bitch. Peter knows that he would hit me countlessly while he would rape me. Peter knows that he threatened to kill me and my family if I told anyone. He knows how triggering the word 'whore' can be for me.

Once I reach him, he pulls me into a hug and kisses my shoulder, "I'm so sorry, love. You are not a whore. I wouldn't ever tell you to not listen to your mom, but do not listen to your mom right now. You are so fucking amazing..." He pulls away from hugging me, "You can climb up walls for fucks sake! You are so beautiful, so respectful, and you are so nice to everyone. You are everything but a whore and the fact that she told you that because I made you feel good ONCE, makes me so angry. And even if we had had sex more, you aren't a whore."

I love him.

I nod my head, "I hate her." I clench my jaw with anger. "She has been so mean to me lately. I've done nothing wrong. I get it, she is worried about me, but I am happier than ever right now. I mean- I was being safe, me buying condoms was me being safe, and she told me I wasn't being safe. That word- I just hate that word.... It reminds me so much of him. And I know I shouldn't say that I hate my mum, but I hate her so much for saying that." I whisper as we walk into his apartments.

Peter wraps his arm around my waist, holding me close to him, "Yeah, I understand why you would say that." He nods. "But, you know you aren't a whore, yeah?" I nod. "Good." He presses a kiss into the side of my head.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now