𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗 | 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

137 2 30

TW, underage drinking, mentions of death


A week after Peter broke up with me, it was time to meet for our school holiday which is next week. I don't want to see Peter, I don't want to be in the same room as him. After we broke up, it was awkward, we weren't mean and we weren't dramatic. But, I can't stand him because he still was annoying to me in the last two days of him living at Happy's. I was getting strawberries and cutting them and he literally told me that the way I cut strawberries made them taste gross.

Once he moved out it was a relief and this was the first time seeing him since our break up. When I got to the school, we were given a table number to sit at which had our roommates for the holiday. When I sit, I am met with a beautiful woman. I've seen her before I know we are in the same grade and she is really nice. She has blonde hair and a perfect nose, her eyes are green and she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. "Oh, hey!" She says as I sit, "I'm Florian, call me Flo though."

I smile soft, "I'm Y/N... just Y/N is fine." She giggles at my joke and it is almost as amazing as Peter's laugh. "So, we gonna share room?"

She nods, "Yep, you are pretty." She mumbles, "Uh sorry."

"No, don't be, thank you." I blush, "eh, so are you excited?"

She nods, "Yeah, very. I've never been out of the country."

"Oh that's exciting, I love going to new countries cos it always opens my eyes more, like when I am older I'm either gonna live in the Netherlands or back at Donny in the U.K."


Unknown: hi

Y/N: who is this?

Unknown: Flo

Unknown: from the trip to Europe

Unknown: we sit on the plane together and room together

Y/N: oh yeah! sorry your name didn't show on the message, how did you get my number?

Flo: Ned Leeds, that guy you always hang out with gave it to me, I hope that's okay.

Y/N: of course that okay

Flo: cool, so do you want to come over tmr?

Flo: my parents aren't ever home because of work and i don't have any siblings so it would just be us if that is okay

Flo: only if you want to come over of course

Flo: no pressure!!!

Y/N: i would love to:)

Y/N: i am free whenever, honestly, just text me when

Flo: great!! i'll let you know in the morning!!

Y/N: okay, sounds good, see you tomorrow!


I am standing outside of Flo's house. It is warm outside and I feel full of excitement to be coming over the fourth time this week and we leave in three days. "Hey, come in." Flo smiles. I walk into the house. No one is ever home, she says her parents work a lot and that she is an only child.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now