𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔 | 𝐢'𝐦 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲

204 3 8

TW, mentions of death, smut, depression, mentions of se!f h@rm


Nights are filled of me pouring tears onto my boyfriend, over and over again. This man over the past month has seen every inch of my body, he has seen me crying with wet hair, has held me while I was crying, has watched me cry myself to sleep, seen me sleeping with my mouth wide open, he knows what I look like when I wake up with my swollen eyes, has seen me with no makeup, has heard me ugly laugh, has touched my hairy legs, has seen every bad picture of me, seen me with greasy hair and washed it for me, he has been there for me. He has helped me through everything and I have no fucking idea what I would do without him.

He has made me feel so alive in the past month, he's taken me to the middle of nowhere so we could scream so loud our voices were gone, he has taken me on long drives so we can sing Taylor Swift so loud we feel dizzy, he has kissed all my tears away and whispered that it will be okay. I feel so fucking loved. He has made sure I was okay every single day since my mum has died and I will never be able to thank him enough for that.

I still live at the compound, but since Lina doesn't have custody of me she moved out almost immediately... She's only contacted me twice and I'm starting to get the idea that she used my mum for the fame and money which is obnoxious. I've started to sleep at Happy's house during school days since he lives closer to my school. But most of my days are spent with Peter and Ned.

Peter is going to pick me up and take me to dutch bros, it is ten at night and we both have school in the morning, but I was crying he happened to FaceTime me so that he could say goodnight and I had tears falling down my face and I was shaking, so he quickly got into his car and now I am shivering waiting for him outside.

There are some nights where I just really had my mum to talk to, so we could knit and drink tea and talk about everything. I just miss her so fucking much. I hate change and a lot has changed in the past month. The thing that is upsetting me most is that she would be home now, and we would all be happy.

I see bright car lights and Peters car pulls in front of me I quickly get in and I fidget with my hands. "What's bothering you, love?' Peter cups my cheek forcing me to look at him, he uses his thumb to wipe the tears falling down my cheeks.

I look away then back to Peter, "Just really miss when life was normal." I whisper, he pushes my hair behind my ear, "I wish I wasn't so mean."

Peter shakes his head, "You didn't know, don't feel bad for that, cos she had her own things going on that you didn't know about." He sniffles, both of us are now crying.

His lips find his spot on my forehead, "It's just hard." I shakily say. Peter rubs his thumb back and forth across my cheek. "Can I stay at your house tonight? I have clothes in my tote... I just don't want to be alone."

He nods, "Of course, do you still want dutch bros?" He asks and I shake my head, "I love you." He pecks my lips which makes me smile.

"I love you too." I kiss him again, "Thank you for everything." He nods and starts driving. "I feel like I never waste time when i'm with you. We could sit in silence for jours and it would still feel so full, so good, so necessary. I'm so glad to have you." I smile towards him while hugging my knees at my chest.

He is beaming, "I love you." He then looks at his lap, "Want to kiss you right now but I'm driving." He frowns.

I'm so in love with him, he is the most perfect person I have ever met. He is so caring and selfless. He always is checking in on me, and always there for me. I fucking love him forever.

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