𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 | 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬

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TW, mentions of abuse, nightmares, mentions of J@ck D@vis AKA Y/N's father and really awful words coming from him. I WARN YOU

this is my fav chapter so far, i hope you love it☺️


I am so distant from my mum and Li, more than ever. I can barely talk to them, let alone be around them. I spend the nights at Peter's, Ned's, or Lex's. But mostly I am always with Peter. Usually it is at his house, but sometimes it is at mine.

I've grown apart from my parents because of Jack. They treat me so differently. They are so careful with everything that they say and they're constantly whispering. I get it that they are just trying to be nice to me or be careful but it is so annoying.

"Awh big stretch." I hear Lex talking to Toaster as she stretches out her arms. "Y/N, I'm taking Toaster home with me."

"No, she's mine." Peter argues. "Right, Toast?"

"At least I can say her name right."

"It's a nickname, she likes it." Peter rolls her eyes, "Give me." He snaches the cat.

"You guys need to stop arguing about who gets her cat, because it's mine." Ned reaches over and grabs Toaster.

"You guys are going to over stimulate her." I mumble, not looking up from my laptop screen.

Peter then grabs my laptop. "What are you looking at?" He holds it and reads it.

"Wanker, don't grab my shit." I sat up to grab it.

"You have to talk with Natasha first, Y/N. I understand your situation, but you need her permission." Peter reads aloud.

I grab it from him, "You fucking dickhead." I roll my eyes, "Why would you do that?"

"Why was that from Mr. Stark? What about needing to talk to Mrs. Romanoff?" Peter wrinkles his eyebrows.

"Now Toaster doesn't like you." I shake my head at him.

"Hey..." Peter wines. "Anyway, what was that?"

"I asked Tony if I could move into the compound." I shrug my shoulders, "That's it. Please don't grab my stuff without my permission."

"What? Why?" Lex asks.

Ned wrinkles his eyebrows, "But then you will have to stop going to our school."

"Yeah, it's too far." Peter mumbles.

"Just shit with my mum and Li, and I want to be somewhere where... he can't find me." I look down at my hands, picking at my skin. "I just need to leave."

"Love, he can't escape prison or get to you, your mum is Black Widow and she's strong as fuck and will kill him if she had the chance." Lex utters, she then wraps her arm around me.

"No, you're literally a Spider, you haved saved so many random strangers, and I wouldn't be able to fight in fights without you, let alone be Spiderman." Peter smiles at me.

What a dumbass, Lex doesn't even know he is Spiderman. "Peter!" I feel Lex's arm loosen on me.

"What?" Peter wrinkles his eyebrows.

You Can Let it Go ♡ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now